Fire And Ice

A mist of steam rose in the air. When Dandelion and Harriet attack each other. The arena turned half burning and half frozen due to the two elements that kept wreaking havoc on the arena. The two of them put on an amazing fight as the Elementals Rifter.

Harriet jumped back when she couldn't break through the Dandelion's [Song of The North Wind] which continued to blow fiercely.

"Huh! Not bad!" Harriet's grin widened and she increased the concentration of energy in her hands.


A hurricane of fireball shot fiercely towards the Dandelion who was taking cover behind his shield. Until finally the shield slowly shrinks overtime.

"Haha! Is that all you got!" Harriet grew arrogant and continued to fire [Firebolt].

 However, Dandelion remained calm and gathered the steam in the arena and froze it into icy spears that floated in the air and were ready to strike at Harriet.

 Crack! Krieek! Krieek..