Getting Closer For Her Redemption

Silas continued to fight those remaining thugs who already lost control of their bodies to give him a small time window to recover his strength.

Soonly, when the thugs were distracted, Ryo could free himself from the wires that entangled him.

"What a shame… I was easily subdued by a mere thin wire like this!"

"Ah, finally you are free! Ready for round 2?" asked Silas.

"Yeah, it seems like we have common goals here, I really certain these punks got their fancy weaponry from the Long Clan, as well as the drug that you mentioned before."

"Yeah, I got an assignment from the academy to investigate some enhancing drugs that have been circulated in slum areas. You?"

"Just took a stroll and these chumps showed up from nowhere."

"Okay, I see…"

"One more thing, If they got those weapons and drugs illegally, then, we could eradicate them "legally", Am I right, Silas?"

"Yes, indeed!"