
He caught a glimpse of the alien creature on a medical bed that was being pushed into the isolation room.

Sebastian took off the bandage that Ryo had smudged with great care and prepared a gel from the cooler and rubbed it on Elena's arm.

"We can't use tools to rebuild your skin tissue. This isn't an ordinary burn, your body and DNA must have changed a lot since the last time you used the recovery capsule? Is that right?"

"Eh? You mean when I was with Elena?" Ryo's face turned bright red when he realized that Sebastian knew what he and Elena were doing that summer in the room.

"The body and DNA of a Rifter is very unique, the residue of cosmic energy produced by each attack is even very difficult to heal, I hope you are not careless again, or your strength can actually kill yourself, young master."

"Yes, thanks for the warning, ah yes can I see the creature's examination?"

"Not directly, we can see it through the surveillance room."