Throne Succession (1)

At sunrise the atmosphere in the gymnasium was already very crowded with students and also the Rifters who graduated from White Raven who had come from far away to witness the historic moment at White Raven. The Throne Succession.

VIP guests have also started arriving and sitting in a special room that has been prepared with a big screen showing broadcasts in the arena from various camera angles.

Katya, Elena, Sebastian and all White Raven officials were in the same room as the VIPs. They were officials as well as higher-ups from the various factions affiliated with the White Raven. Dressed in various lavish and fancy outfits.

Of all the VIPs present, the Nosferatu Alucard was also present to witness.

"Well, well, well… The little crowd has grown big and strong so fast, I really didn't expect it." said Alucard.