
Even though the plan was changed from its original. However, their main goal remained the same.

The three of them activated the communication device that had been implanted in their temples, thus allowing them to speak through their minds as if they were in telepathy.

"Test, test, can you all hear me?" Anna says while adjusting their brains frequencies.

"Loud and Clear, over." Ryo answered immediately.

Yunyun added, "Same here,"

When Ryo and Yunyun did their part, Anna went to find a control room where she could hack the entire system in the building.

Anna knocked on the door of a small room containing two guards who were operating the surveillance screen from the security cameras.

When one guard opened the door, Anna immediately pulled the revolver out of the waist holster and pointed at the guard.

To reduce the risk, Anna hit the guard with the butt of the gun, knocking the guard unconscious.