Queen of The Seas

After Freyr had prepared herself, Elena opened the hatch, when the countdown procedure was over, the steel door holding thousands of cubic tons of water slowly opened.

Freyr didn't see any fear on her face, she came out of the mini-subs with complete confidence.

The Water Barrier that she casted on herself doesn't seem about to break or explode amidst the raging current that was caused by the Lightning Hydra.

The Sea Monster clearly didn't accept Freyr's arrival, its three necks stretched out long, bringing its three heads close to Freyr's face.

The situation becomes tense, when Lightning Hydra conducts electricity in the water causing a disturbance in the current in the water, causing the system in the mini-subs to be completely paralyzed due to the very strong electromagnetic field.

However, Freyr seemed fine within the Water Barrier's protection, she looked very annoyed that the Lightning Hydra wouldn't listen to what she had to say.