Meeting with The Emperor

As soon as Zagath sent his coordinates to them. They changed their course towards the Great Desert Empire.

When they arrived the next day, it was already past noon, local times.

The expanse of golden desert stretched out in front of them.

James landed the plane to Zagath's temporary base of operations.

It was a hotel that had been rented entirely by Zagath.

"Just leave us here. We can both walk from here."

James raised his thumb and pulled the control lever.

The plane flew so high that only one blue dot was visible in the night sky.

Upon entering the hotel building, dozens of Outlaw Rifters with serious faces greeted the two of them.

Ryo didn't flinch at all when he faced the Outlaw Rifters.

"I want to meet Zagath," Ryo spoke firmly.

They paved the way for Ryo to Zagath's room.

Inside Zagath's room, Liam, who was always accompanied by Harriet, sat on the sofa with an anxious face.