One Day Before The Raging Storm

After the banquet, Ryo went to Holy Kaaba.  With the permission given by Emperor Solomon III to him.

  The place was strictly guarded by Special Forces appointed directly by the emperor.

  As Ryo walked towards the sacred monument, a tall and burly Special Forces member intercepted Ryo.

  "This area is for authorized persons only."

  "I have direct permission from The Emperor himself."  Ryo says.

  However, the guard doesn't believe it in the first place.  Heat his laser rifle onto Ryo's head.

  "Walk away or I'll shoot you on the spot."

  "If I were you, I'm going to step back and listen to your higher ups that will call you directly, right now."

  As soon as Ryo finished his word.

  The tall and bulky man stepped backwards and checked his comms, it was really from the higher ups.

  Although it was faint to hear, Ryo heard the conversation from the other end.

  [He is the Emperor's Guest of Honor.  Let him be.]