Let's help them

"Fucking fatty, can't you walk any faster? Have all your points been put into the Strength attribute?" Liu Yang was casually walking through the forest looking for a river or stream that was there, but without the map, he wouldn't find it easily.

"Liu Yang, just shut up. I'm already tired and hungry. Those damn mushrooms made me really tired." Lin Hai complained, but he kept walking.

His body was covered in sweat, but his breathing was still normal.

"We just beat a few mushrooms, you're just tired because you're fat. Also, you should have put at least one point into the Agility attribute to reduce your weight" Liu Yang joked.

After leveling up the three levels, defeating the Elite Devouring Mushrooms and the Devouring Mushrooms, he put two points in the Strength attribute and the other point in the Agility attribute.

Their bodies also get stronger along with levels without having to allocate stat points, but the improvements were smaller than putting in an attribute point.

"Liu Yang, you say that because you're thin and level 4. I'm only level 3. My points need to be put into the attribute of Strength." He snapped.

"You really are a shield of fat flesh. The easiest target to find even when hidden. Where's your shield? A tank needs that"

"Liu Yang, I'm not a tank. I don't even want to be one. My goal is to be off-tank. Using my sledgehammer, I will crush my opponents." Lin Hai spoke in an arrogant tone as he raised his giant sledgehammer with both hands as if he were a gladiator ready to attack.

"Before that, you should learn to stop getting tired while walking, especially when carrying that hammer in your arms. You don't have any rope to tie this, do you?" Liu Yang was complaining to the other side because he was holding his weapon with his bare hands while walking.

"Liu Yang, I've said a million times that this is a sledgehammer, not a hammer. Also, I need to be prepared for anything. So I have to have my weapons in hand. I'm not like you who have two swords that can be strapped around your waist."

"Why don't you test that sword. It's better than carrying a hammer."

The wooden sword was thrown towards Lin Hai.

"Is this really a sword? If I hadn't seen you attacking before, I would have thought it was just an old twig. The drop percentage of this sword must be a little small because in the village there are only three such swords."

Inside the village, there were a lot of items dropped from the creatures inside the forest, so it was normal for them to have the common items and even some rare ones.

"Now give me that other rare item that isn't on the list. This is just a guarantee in case you break the sword or someone steals it from you." Liu Yang extended his hand and asked.

"Liu Yang, you are very shameless. You know that, right?" A frown appeared on his forehead, but the item was given to Liu Yang.

The item was a kind of wooden stick with a seed inside.

The two had never seen this item before, not even in the village, so they assumed it was something very rare.

"I just hope I can defeat one more Elite Devouring Mushroom to see if it's able to drop those two items again. This will be very useful for us."

"Liu Yang, do you really think it's easy to find an Elite Devouring Mushroom in this forest? In the whole forest, there are only five, when one is defeated, it is necessary to wait six hours for another to appear again."

"So we just need to look. It is looking for something to be found."

"..." Lin Hai didn't comment on Liu Yang's crazy words.

The forest was too big, they would need more than two weeks of walking and search. It's very likely that they won't even find the Elite Devouring Mushrooms because someone else may have already defeated them.

Liu Yang's idea was crazy and pointless.

clang!!!! clang!!!! clang!!!!

splash!!!! splash!!!!!

The sounds of metal colliding with metal along with splashing water are heard.

"Liu Yang, looks like we found the place, let's see who's fighting. Take that sword back, I don't need it to attack people. I want my sledgehammer." Lin Hai returned the wooden sword to Liu Yang, but he didn't ask for his item back because it wasn't a suitable time for it.

The pair walked a little further forward until they could see what was happening.

A fight between five people was going on, two against three.

"Liu Yang, it looks like Zi Long and Sun Bai are having some problems. Those three must be from the other villages." Lin Hai spoke in a solemn tone.

In the area where the pair walked, they did not find anyone else from another village or from the village itself.

"This is normal to happen. Here is a place with water and food. People would gather at this location" Liu Yang was analyzing to see what they could do.

"Liu Yang, if we don't help them, they'll get in trouble"

Some parts of their bodies were covered with wounds and blood spilled into the river.

"Fatty, you don't have a good aim, but it should do in this case"

"If I don't have a good aim, why do I have to do this?" Lin Hai didn't like being insulted by Liu Yang and still being used as a second option.

"You have more points in the strength attribute than I do. So it's the most logical choice to make." Liu Yang tried to justify himself.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Throw those rocks towards that trio. At least in one of them. They'll think they're reinforcements showing up to help Zi Long and Sun Bai"

"Okay. But what are you going to do? Liu Yang, aren't you going to tell me that you're just going to stare?" He complained because he would be the only one to do something.

"I will try to attack. You'll be like a support type and make it look like there are still people hiding in the place helping"

"Okay." Lin Hai picked up a rock the size of a tennis ball. His fingers were steady and ready to throw.

If the stone hits someone's body, the damage done would be very great because of the force of the throw.