Coming home

"..." The young man realized that he would be in trouble if his leg was caught, but it was too late to alter the trajectory of the attack. But what he did was impressive.

The other leg was also used for kicking, but the target was the belly.

Only one hand was impossible to defend against the two attacks, but the young man didn't know one thing, that his opponent was also at level 5.

This was something he could never have imagined.

The two sides had no difference in levels, only in the attributes placed.

The young man had three points in the strength attribute and two points in the agility attribute, he became faster and more agile. But Lin Hai had more stamina and physical strength.

So Lin Hai only parried the kick that had his head as its target.

"..." The young man was surprised because his opponent didn't even try to defend his belly.

Even though it was the place with the most fat, the place was also fragile if a very strong blow hit it.

More force was applied to the second kick to try and take down Lin Hai.

PANG!!!!!!!! PANG!!!!!

Two kicking sounds are heard as the two attacks collide with Lin Hai.

"!!!!!!!!!!" A shocked face appeared on the young man's face as his kick landed in the belly. He felt as if he had hit a heavy sheet of steel.

"Now, it's my turn" Lin Hai endured the pain of the kick, even though he didn't feel much pain, it still hurt because of the young man's strength.

Five points in the Strength attribute is no small thing for low-level people.

"ARG…" The leg was held too tightly and the bone nearly broke.

bang!!! bang!!! bang!!

Lin Hai shook his body like a broken puppet and hit the ground.

The bones didn't break easily, but it was still very painful.

On the other hand, Liu Yang was exchanging quick, casual blows against his opponent.

The swords collide and sparks come out as a result of the metal blades colliding.

After a few rounds of punching, he managed to figure out the opponent's power, only level 3.

As a follower of someone else, he couldn't level very much. So his level was average.

Those who form groups to level will always have members with lower levels than those who were duos or solos.

The other side noticed this and just wanted to shock, but no tears came out. He never thought he could find two abnormal youths who were at level 5.

The scene where their leader was being beaten without being able to defend himself is something difficult to see.

Zi Long and Sun Bai were able to deal with their opponents because they were evenly matched.

Wi Lin and Zi Fu were fighting the same opponent and had no difficulty doing so.

It didn't take long for the other side to be pressed and beaten.

All the items they stole from the duo have been recovered and more.

In the end, the group lost all the items they stole before and much more.

"That was amazing!!! How did you get so strong? Those guys didn't even have a chance to defend themselves."

"I think the right question is: how are you guys so weak? Haven't you been able to level properly?" Sun Bai asked curiously.

"Well…" Wu Lin tried to speak but was a little hesitant about it.

"We encountered an Elite Devouring Mushroom, but we were beaten and nearly killed. So we could only run for our lives. The recovery time lasted two days and that was a huge waste of time. We thought that we would not pass the test because there were still many items missing, but since Liu Yang was someone who did not want to take the test, the number of candidates decreased and there was only one that could be disqualified" Zi Fu spoke about what had happened to them.

Many young people formed groups to level, but some still prefer to be alone.

"You can have this. That should be enough for you guys to pass the test." Liu Yang gave the duo some items from the list he had, but he wasn't going to use them.

"Liu Yang, is this serious? You could have sold or traded this at the Trade Camp. There are some interesting things there."

"I've already done that. These are just useless items left over, you can keep the items. I have no use for it." Liu Yang just threw the items at the two of them.

"Liu Yang, thanks for your help. In the future, if we can help with anything. You just need to talk." The duo spoke in a grateful tone.

"You don't need to talk about it now. Just pass the test and we'll talk about it later. Let's go back to the village"

The group returned home after four days of adventure in the forest.

Liu Yang changed his mind and decided to return home to say goodbye to his parents before setting off on his adventure.

That was what he was supposed to do.

During the last hundred meters walk, the group encountered some Devouring Mushrooms, but they were quickly defeated by the group.

At the entrance to the village, a young man was already there waiting to enter.

The group recognized the young man, he was Qin Li. Someone the four of them saw at the lake.

"Qin Li, have you arrived yet? You look really good, unlike us" Lin Hai commented.