Dual Class Challenge(1)

ding… ding…

"Option Accepted"

"The challenge will start in five seconds."

"The first wave will start"

"The challenger has one hour to defeat all the creatures in the wave before the next wave joins the battle"



The system made the announcements after accepting Liu Yang's choice.

Two accountants came up with a thousand points each. One was for the number of creatures and the other one was for the number of waves. That is, there are a thousand waves with a thousand creatures each.


The sounds of stone gates being opened are heard. In the four corners of the coliseum, endless darkness could be seen as the doors were opened.

bang!!! bang!!! bang!!!

Sounds of heavy footsteps echo from all four directions, but the footsteps don't seem to be those of creatures or monsters, but something else.

5… 4… 3…

The five-second timer appeared in the center of the arena.

"..." Liu Yang already had a solemn face on his face.

A set of thin, light steel armor was donned along with a long sword.

For this kind of challenge, an armor set was the best choice along with a full-sized sword to be enough to attack multiple enemies at once and a full-sized shield to protect from attacks.


The footsteps began to become more audible as opponents began to appear.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" When they were revealed, Liu Yang showed a scared face. He never imagined that the supposed creatures were people.

To be more exact, young people like him of various other races.

Humans, orcs, elves, dark elves.

The four sides had two hundred and fifty young people. Each of them wore a set of armor and weapons of their respective races.

(Do I have to kill all these young people? Kill a million young people? Isn't that a little too insane? Or is it just the first wave?) Liu Yang was a little scared about the challenge.

Killing creatures wasn't an issue for him because his training was about that, but killing other people was something he'd never done in his life.

How could Liu Yang start killing people? He didn't even have any kind of training for it.


"The challenge has begun"

The system was announced.

stomp!! stomp!!!

The thousand young people charge towards Liu Yang with weapons raised and ready to attack.

(What should I do?) Liu Yang was in a big dilemma.

"Liu Yang… Liu Yang… When you are on an adventure, you need to remember one important thing. The most dangerous beings in the world are not creatures, but people. They are worse than the most feared creatures and beings. No matter what, always keep your guard up in front of strangers." The words his father spoke reverberated in his mind.

Those words were said to him before he left the house and began his adventure.

Low-level creatures had no intelligence and only attacked using instincts. So it was easy to deal with them, but people were different.

People could think, scheme, and even betray their own mates. This makes them the most feared beings in the world. It doesn't matter the race.

"I just hope I don't regret this…" Liu Yang closed his eyes and waited for the youth to approach.

"Mushroom. Can you attack that group?" He pointed to five hundred young men dressed in steel armor. They were humans and orcs.

Elves and dark elves wore cloth and leather clothing with bows and staves. They were archers and mages.

stomp!!! stomp!!!

Its long jumps quickly approach the group of soldiers.

Liu Yang charged towards the mages because they were the most fragile.

Clothes could be cut like paper.


whosh!!! whosh!!! whosh!!!

When a target has entered the aggro area, they all attack at the same time.

The archers drew their bows before releasing. A shower of arrows shot towards Liu Yang. The shield has been raised.

clang!!!! clang!!!! clang!!!!

Several hundred sounds of metal colliding with metal were heard. Arrows break like rotten wood.

The resistance of these things was very weak because it was low-level like the young elves.

The system would not create something impossible to handle at the current participant level.

The peeping sounds were the mages attacking with their attacks. They released beams of light from the staves, but they all exploded on the shield-like fireworks.

The shield's defensive power was pretty good compared to the low-level items the school lent to students before.

"AHH!!!!" Liu Yang screamed before slashing the first dark elf's body.

Magic attacks were harder to deal with than physical attacks.



The body was cut into two pieces as if it were made of paper.

A lot of blood flowed along with the entrails, the slumped and lifeless body lay there and didn't disappear.

vomit… vomit…

Through the helmet, Liu Yang fell to his knees and vomited on the floor. Everything he ate before was expelled.

The scene before him was disgusting and disturbing.

A young man who had never seen straight blood or entrails would not resist such a scene.

Unfortunately, that moment of weakness would be fatal.

The other four hundred and ninety-nine youths attack as if nothing has happened.

The arrows and rays of light rain towards Liu Yang.