For the next seven days, Liu Yang was going to the same dungeon and collecting the gems to sell and get some money.
As the gems found in hard and very hard modes were the rarest and most valuable. The money he got was more than usual.
A solo adventurer like him didn't need to share the harvest with anyone else.
As the number of Credits on the card increased, the levels also increased rapidly.
The first time Liu Yang completed the dungeon on hard mode, he gained thirteen levels. But after going another fifteen times, five on hard mode and the other ten on very hard mode, his level 16 jumped to level 39.
The week was very good for him.
His gear was upgraded with a new set of basic armor sold in the gear shops and some new weapons were bought, but it was also pretty basic.
The items were common and anyone could buy them as long as they had the money to buy it.
The only way to buy rare equipment was to go to auctions or blacksmiths to have them forged.
"How long are you going to keep following me?" Liu Yang looked deeply at the policeman sitting in front of him.
The two were inside a private room in some restaurant.
On the big table were all kinds of food.
While the two were talking, the Little Princess devoured her food as if it were the most delicious thing in the world. The two mouths were like bottomless pits swallowing things.
The policeman found this scene a little strange, but he put it aside because in the world there were many more strange ones.
"Well… Liu Yang, I'm under the government's orders, I can't easily let go of this. You need to understand my position." The policeman was a little embarrassed to have to talk about this. He didn't want to do this job, but he was forced to due to some special circumstances.
"I understand your position, but it's a little weird and annoying to have someone watching me twenty-four hours a day." Liu Yang didn't like that feeling.
"Liu Yang, I know this sounds a little boring, but can you cooperate with me? It will make things a little easier for you and me." The cop had a tricky position on his side to deal with.
"Officer, can't you just pretend you're watching me? I imagine you need to watch me to see if I'm going to face any kind of danger, but there's no need to worry about that. I have a few ways to escape and stay alive." Liu Yang was more confident than before.
After gaining some skill points as leveled up, he learned some skills that could save his life.
Every five levels, a skill point was received.
"Liu Yang, why aren't you as easy to deal with as your father? He was more cooperative when it came to this matter." The policeman was disheartened about Liu Yang's insistence on wanting to be alone and avoid being watched.
"Do you know my father?" Liu Yang didn't think the other side was someone his father knew.
That was a big surprise.
"Well... How can I explain this... I didn't have many opportunities to talk to your father, the few opportunities I had were short, but he knows my brother and you should know him too."
"Your brother? What's his name?" Liu Yang was curious about this matter.
If the other side is someone friendly to his father, he would try to stop being pushy about his affairs.
"Is the name Zhao Jin familiar to you?"
"Uncle Zhao? Are you his useless, unreliable brother?" The name made several memories pop into Liu Yang's mind. He knew the person called Zhao Jin because he was a good friend of his father.
"Useless and unreliable? I think you're talking about our other brother. He's just someone who likes to enjoy life and doesn't care about work. Liu Yang, if you don't believe me, you can see this."
A card containing the police officer's photos and personal information was shown.
His name was Zhao Teng and his class was level 70 swordsman.
As the city was low level, they didn't need powerful policemen to take care of mundane affairs.
In one of the photos there were three people, the three were men with similar appearances, but it was possible to perceive some differences between them.
One was more serious, the other more casual and the last one was relaxed as if nothing in life mattered.
Liu Yang recognized the serious man in the photo.
"Liu Yang, did you believe me?" Zhao Teng hoped that Liu Yang could help him a little on this matter.
"As you are Uncle Zhao's brother, I can stop insisting on this matter, but I hope you can respect my privacy on some matters." Liu Yang would help him, but he also needs the help back.
"I know what to do. Everyone has their secrets and I won't get involved in it." Zhao Teng accepted the terms.
"I'm happy about that. Let's eat before this little thing devours everything."
The duo finally reached an agreement.