Nameless Island(5)


The characters were strange, forming a circle.

But they weren't from any alphabet known to the pair. They've never seen those characters before.

"Young master, have you seen this before? Jenni has never seen these things before. They look like some old, lost alphabet."

"I've never seen them either, but it's best to take some pictures to take as evidence. Before that, let's continue purifying the place to see if there are any clues underneath this cursed place."

The duo threw Holy Water in an attempt to purify the place to see if it would work, otherwise, Jenni would have to use the power of the Holy Ground many times, and it would be very tiring for her.

To their surprise, the attempt actually worked.

The Holy Water managed to purify the ground and reveal what was underneath.

Unfortunately, only the village center had these strange letters.

Several photos were taken before they left to look for another village in the outer area of ​​the island.