
"Sir. Liu Yang, you have the qualifications to be taken seriously." Varbuc didn't need to drink potions to heal his hands, just regeneration was enough.

Before, the way Liu Yang was treated was like any other person, but after seeing his strength, respect arose.

Orcs were the ones who always dealt with any kind of matter forcefully.

So, his having shown strength above expectations was something admirable and respectful.

"I'm flattered to hear that" Liu Yang just acted casual as usual.

"I am here to invite Mr. Liu Yang to the Steel Helmets Village as a special guest"

Varduc's words were not unexpected because it was normal to happen after the events of a few days ago.

Rumors about Liu Yang were spread throughout their village, the most powerful and influential wanted to know who was the person who intervened in the invasion mission.

If he is powerful enough, they want to recruit Liu Yang to be their soldier.

Someone with a rare class always had more power than normal classes.