Coming back to the same place again

Currently, Liu Yang was sleeping inside a large room the size of an entire floor.

But only two women were sleeping in the big bed with him, Sophia and the Supreme Matriarch. The two were the most outstanding women of all he had.

So they had the privilege of sleeping alone with him.

The others divided groups to see who would be the next ones to sleep with him.

But there was a month of the year when everyone would sleep together at the same time.

Liu Yang's deep sleep was interrupted by a massive headache.

"AHH!!" he screamed before waking up.

His face was covered in sweat as if he'd had a nightmare.

"Liu Yang, what happened?"

"Husband, did something happen?"

The two women were also awakened by the sudden scream. They didn't understand what was happening.

"I am fine. I just had a weird nightmare. Let's go back to sleep." Liu Yang pretended that nothing was happening and hugged the two women before lying down again.