2.Some better Equipment

Kade POV:
I instantly opened my status after waking up. but even before that i already got a notefication.

==You have slept for 8 hours==

==Poison has been cured, HP has been refilled, Stamina is regenerated==

==Host has acquired the skill Poison Resistance=

°Poison Resistance LVL 4 9.30%

'So it did work huh ?' I was happy to find myself in perfect shape after poisoning myself with random things in a forest that i don't know anything about. But my plan seemed kinda risky....Leveling my Skill to LVL 4 must have been a rather strong Poison or this skill just works different since it has no description...I was suddenly interrupted by some interesting sounds of heavy foot stomps and..ähm.. some metal rubbing against each other ? It was very far away so far that i could not even see anything other than trees in my surrounding so climbed a bit further up the tree into the leafs until the wood gets too thin to support my weight to hide fr-

==Hoist has acquired the skill Hiding==

°Hiding LVL 1 0.00% A good fighter does not need anything other than his fists and heads always into battle. A smart fighter knows when to avoid a fight. The second type always stays longer alive. This skill lets you hide better and also notifies you if other people are hiding, if the LVL difference ,of only the skill ,is 5. -1% chance of getting caught.(scales like observation with the level of the player)

'Better than nothing i guess' I stayed inside the leafs till the sounds stopped and i kind of felt safe to come out of my hiding spot. While i was hiding a tried another guess of mine...

==Hoist has acquired the skill Controlled Breathing==

°Controlled Breathing LVL 1 30.10% Conscious breathing heightens awareness and deepens relaxation. – Dan Brule This skill will provide your blood with more Oxygen so every aspect of your body will be improved + 1% to all stats.

"that is definitely a skill i want to be at a high LVL but its level went up so slow...there must be a difference between some of the skills.." after staring at my status for anything alse noteworthy i climbed down the tree to further practice all my skills till i could-

I was again interrupted by the new sight.
In the distance i saw something running into my direction. it looked like a horse with...blood all over it...when it was close enough i jumped down from the stump of the tree onto the back of the horse to take what was inside those bags on the sides of the horse.

*Sounds of unsuccessful landing*

HP 35/110

I know it was a bad idea jumping on top of such a horse that looked like it was given steroids to eat. Good news ? i made it stop...bad news ? the deep wound on my shoulder. the horse was so afraid of me that it just body slammed my into the ground.

A move that made the blades inside its pockets pierce the bag then me and in the end the horse itself. My wound was not fatal but the heavy horse on top of my was. And in the end i needed to completely cut through my shoulder to free myself from the now dead horse. As soon as i was free i first stopped the bleeding so-

==Hoist has acquired the skill First Aid==

==Host has acquired the skill Physical resistance==

°First Aid LVL 1 0.00% What have they done to your poor arm?'-Holly
'Oh, don't worry, it's just a graze.' - Lucy
'I'm talking about the bandages. That's simply the most incompetent bit of first aid I've ever seen.- Lockwood, George The first step of preserving a life.+10% efficiency and effectiveness in everything that has to do with first aid.

°Physical Resistance LVL 1 0.00%
"I don't trip...I do random gravity checks !"
Let's you be more resistant to physical damage of any kind. +1% Damage reduction

"Okey" after checking my new skills that i got i searched inside the pockets that the horse kindly brought to me. "Fuck" of course there where bandages ! and i just ripped off some of my clothes to stop the bleeding!!

Other than a few first aid things some bowls to boil water a green cape and a little bit of food, i took the seemingly 2 blades that pierces my shoulder (don't know how i missed that) and took them out of the horse.

After some practice swings i noticed that those where much lighter than my own one. they also kind of reminded my of box cutters.

they also seemed very fragile and unbelievably sharp. so those are common here ? I don't know why this horse was running. I don't know whose blood was on the horse. I don't know if what was inside the pockets of this horse was normal to have but i am sure of one thing...and that is that this world uses those weapons to kill whatever is eating humans.

I could not come to any other conclusion as those things belong to another human being. it felt good to know that there mus be humans nearby...but i still don't know if making contact with them will be successful or if the will instantly attack me. so i should further stay in this forest till i am sure i can survive a encounter with whatever is waiting for me outside or inside the forest.

so first things first is a shelter...lets make it in the rooftops. Then second is food.

The vegetables i found yesterday won't be enough so i should try to hunt or just look if there are even animals here since i did not find anything other than the birds. but first let me check something...

I took one of the few mushrooms and berrys in my inventory that i had left and Observed them.

==Forest Vegetables==
poisonous ???
'so they are my way of leveling my resistance... good'. After this accident i went of to further increase my strength, build some shelter and find food...