4.One Month

Looking satisfied at my status I chuckled a bit.

Name: Kade
Age: 10 ?
LVL: 7 EXP:121/6400
Title: None
Health: 400/400
Regeneration: 0.03136/per second
Stamina: 400/400
Regeneration: 0.7/per second
Strength: 31+
Vitality: 40+
Speed: 41+
Agility: 50+
Intelligence: 11+
\/Free Points: 12\/
°Gamer's Mind LVL MAX
°Gamer's body LVL MAX
°Gamer's Life LVL MAX

°Beginner Swordsmanship LVL 19 99.99% On the road of Swordsmanship. You are able to swing a sword properly.+4 Agility.

°Running LVL 23 18.08% This skill will passively increase your Movement speed by 23% and +5 Speed.Can also sacrifice 9 Stamina per second to increase Agility and Speed by 7.

°Observation LVL 10 0.32% This skill will show you Information of a target based on your own knowledge and how many LVL this skill and you have that are greater than the target.(Must be over 20 LVL to show everything)

°Climbing LVL 24 7.07% This skill lets you climb anything faster in any way as long as you go up somewhere. +24% climbing speed +5 Agility.

°Poison Resistance LVL 10 99.99%

°Hiding LVL 29 67.90% This skill lets you hide better and also notifies you if other people are hiding, if the LVL difference ,of only the skill ,is 5. -29% chance of getting caught.

°Controlled Breathing LVL 7 85.88% This skill will provide your blood with more Oxygen so every aspect of your body will be improved + 7% to all stats.

°First Aid LVL 22 10.23% The first step of preserving a life.+32% efficiency and effectiveness in everything that has to do with first aid.

°Meditation LVL 10 0.00% This skill will speed up your natural HP and Stamina regeneration by +10% by focusing your body to heal and recover itself.(Nerved version of sleep)

°Regeneration LVL 13 12.33% "Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real."― Cormac McCarthy This skill lets you heal you wounds faster.+13 % Regeneration of HP.

First things first . I got a really great regeneration skill from getting my body parts crushed and or eaten from titans. more of that later.

On the other hand. Some of my skills did not increase in LVL much since they have been stuck at some kind of threshold. The best example would be Meditation. It just won't progress. Just like Poison Resistance but i have a guess. It is that the natural poison of the forest is not enough for my body to get stronger. I will need to find stronger poison.

Even my stats seem to have some kind of threshold. 50 seems like a soft look. For now it's not a problem since I can somewhat cheat with activating a skill but I am fine with that. I am Shure I am much stronger than I am supposed to be but that's better for me so i Shure as hell won't complain.

And lastly my Swordsmanship. It just got to LVL 19 a day ago when i practiced a full day without even one wrong swing. since then i got not even 0.01%. my guess would be that i need to learn from someone else or i will be stuck with this.
well and lastly will be some good and bad news.

The good ones are : I killed my first few titan ! the bad ones ?

I found out that there are bigger Titans than just the 3-7 meter Titans.. no they even reach 15 meters...fuck can you imagine that ?! those fuckers could just stretch and grab me from my little home i build in the rooftops...And all the time i thought that i would be safe when i saw my first 3-7 meter titan.

I killed about 11 3-5 meter titans this month. the first 2 were rough because i did not know you need to slice their neck out. sometimes if i slice only a bit they even survive that. Fuck man they can even regenerate their head back ! but as long as i can destroy or cut of a big piece of their neck they fall and start to evaporate.

I still don't get the part of them evaporating but it is fine with me since i don't have to care about all those dead titans lying around.

Well now that i am able to more are less *climb up* a titan with a jump thanks to my Climbing skill i am not afraid of those small 3-4 or even a 5 meter titan, but all above are just for some reason faster,sturdier and stronger.

I only ever survived an encounter with them thanks to my high speed and agility as well as my hiding skill.

To be honest i always use my hiding skill since it does not effect my actions that much. As soon as I activate the skill my body kind of Geo's into autopilot. My movements become more fluid and silent. It even regulates my breathing on its own. it takes me some time before i can start controlling my breath again and activate my controlled Breathing skill. they both bite each other but with 1-2 minutes of preparation i get them to work together.

Now it always feels strange when i deactivate them so a have them on all the time. that also helps leveling them of course. the only problem is...how is my hiding skill supposed to get better if i don't hide from anything ? that's why my skill isn't like lvl 50 yet.

But enough of my sorry ass hiding. i should start to go to those other people that are behind this wall or something. I would like to say that i will go there right now ,but i will need to search it first. Well i have an approximate direction so it will work...i hope.