I turn to find Clout looking nervously at me. He must be able to see the confusion settling on my expression because he quickly turns away. He walks to the clockmaker and whispers something to him.

The clockmaker turns and beams at me once more.

"Of course. You are not here to keep an old man company! I have wonderful things to show you!" he raises both his hands in the air as if he completely forgot about something and just remembered.

"Come child. Let the Clockmaker awe you with his talents." He shuffles to a large display case filled with wrist watches and various other watches. I see a pendant which opens like a locket, inside the locket is a watch.

The clockmaker sees me looking at it.

"You can only wear so many pendants child." He tells me while searching the watches. Clout and Brent is standing next to me, also looking at the watches.