The kiss he gives me is sweet and loving. I knew Brent was protective over me but I didn't think he had romantic feelings towards me. He gives me a quick hug and turns towards the picnic basket he brought with.

I raise my fingertips to my tingling lips and try not to giggle like a little school girl. I watch him as he takes the cloth from the top of the basket and lay it open on the floor. I smile broadly at this. He tells me to come sit and I take the corner closest to me. He sits next to me and start to unpack the basket.

He takes out a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. There is also a plate with tea sandwiches and tiny meatballs. The other container he takes out is filled with tiny cakes and sweet snacks.

"This looks delicious!" I tell him excitedly.

"That is because the last meal you had was breakfast." He smiles at me jokingly. "But I do have to agree. The lady that packed the basket knows what she is doing."