
Erick couldn't believe what was happening. First off, this crazy man was telling him he was a werewolf. Then, he tells him his entire life was a lie. His parents hadn't been in a car accident but that they had been murdered? What was so special about his parents that they would be targeted? He sat on the edge of the bed with desperation in his eyes he looked up at Doc, "I am not saying I believe a word of what you are telling me, but continue explaining to me how any of this is possible?"

Doc reached out trying to offer sympathy placing his hand on his knee before beginning again. "If any of this is going to make sense I am going to have to go farther back. Back to before your parents were even alive, before even my own time."

"Many moons ago back in the time when we didn't have to hide our true nature. The packs dominated the wide-open land. You see humans' numbers were nowhere near what they are these days. Plagues, wars, famine from fighting amongst themselves kept their population smaller. As they continued to develop over time, they made advancements. With proper hygiene, better technology, treaties the violence and destruction that kept their population down was no more. As the population of humans grew our existence became threatened. They expanded their territories encroaching on our lands."

"The pack had very different views on how to handle the invasion of our world. The once peaceful pack-oriented existence became strained. Families turned on each other, elders schemed amongst themselves. The desire for power and control was the only thing our people could focus on.

"It was at that time that the Moon Goddess divided the pack. She was angry with the way we had been acting. She punished us by creating a ranking system. It was intended to create one leader for us all, our Alpha. The Alpha would then have a Beta, his right hand. As well as, a Gamma and Delta that would serve as his enforcers. The Alpha was meant to have been blessed directly from the Goddess herself."

"Unfortunately, even the Moon Goddess underestimated the greed and disobedience within the wolves' hearts. Entire families refused to acknowledge the Alpha. The pack broke down into smaller packs spread far and wide. As long as four wolves left together, they could create their own bond, their own pack."

"The distance created discord and fighting amongst the now separated packs. Some chose to use power and force to attack humans and even other packs. It was during this time we were revealed to the humans. Before now we were able to keep away and stay hidden. Stories of dangerous wolfmen spread amongst the people. We were depicted as wild, barbaric, uncivilized creatures versus the thriving society we once were." Doc paused you could feel the anguish and heartbreak in his words. He mourned for the destruction of his community.

"The Moon Goddess in her woefulness declared a time of destruction. That the werewolf community would suffer and dwindle in their greed. All hope seemed lost for our people. With time some packs when the community became remorseful. They recognized the error in their actions. As the humans grew more powerful, they knew if something didn't change eventually, they would die out. Many retreated deeper into their territories fighting fiercely to cling to their old ways. Others, like our own pack, knew that just like they needed to work together their survival would mean they would need to coexist amongst the humans."

"Leary about the reactions they would receive it took hundreds of years to integrate with the humans. Slowly gaining the trust of the humans and uniting both ways of life. They began to trust individuals with their secrets. They found ways to blend in with the humans that were unaware. So much so that eventually werewolves became a character in stories and myths. Only a privileged few knew the truth and it was a time of great peace for many."

"Not everyone was as accepting, especially when the Moon Goddess pleased with the peaceful unification of the species began to create pairs of mates between humans and werewolves. Hatred filled the hearts of those that saw it as an abomination. Refusing to sully their families' bloodlines. Thankfully, they were few and far between that felt that way. However, if their families discovered they were mated outside their species they often killed their own family member versus allowing the union."

"Hoping to put an end to the hatred and killing the Moon Goddess declared a prophecy. One day a child would be born that would reunite all the packs. It was predicted that he would be more powerful than any Alpha had ever been. This child would not be born of a pure bloodline. He would be yield ultimate power over all creatures."

"As you can imagine this enraged the old school packs. They declared they would put an end to any child born without a pure bloodline. They refused to submit to an Alpha that was not pureblood. Rogue wolves would hunt out these families like assassins. Years and years passed and the child meant to fulfill the prophecy never emerged. The attacks decreased; the assassin groups declared victory. Gloating that they were able to thwart the Goddesses' prophecy. There was still the occasional attack but nothing like the bloodstained years that followed after the declaration."

"The Goddess revealed in a dream 21 years ago to the Alpha of a pack she had blessed greatly for their fairness and kindness that the child was born. The Alpha was the leader of the Gibbous Moon pack. He was sworn to only disclose this information to those he trusted completely. She informed him that on his 25th year during the Gibbous moon his change would begin. It would set in motion the revolution of the new age."

Looking Erick dead in his eyes, "Now, that last part is not known to many, but that Alpha that the Goddess revealed herself to was my brother. The father of the officer that brought you in today. 21 years ago, he was the Alpha of our pack. Regrettably, his Gamma proved to be a traitor. My brother got wind of an attack on a family that had a small child around the age of four. He was too late; the rogues had caused the vehicle to spin out and slam into a tree. As he approached the vehicle, he saw his Gamma was one of the attackers. He fought them both one was able to escape but my brother killed his friend. It devastated him that he was unaware he had been a traitor."

"My brother heard the sounds of a child crying. His parents had not survived the crash but he was relieved that the prophesied child survived. He swore he would make sure the boy would be able to grow into the young man he was destined to be. According to the accident report, there were no survivors in the vehicle. He quickly took the child to the hospital removing all records of pack ties in his history. He didn't want to risk the child being attacked again if anyone discovered his lie."

"Years passed and my brother only entrusted this information to his son and myself. From the information, he told me and what you experienced and your age; I believe you are that child. You will be the prophesied Alpha."