Rescue (2)

**Rhian's POV**

I woke up feeling my head pounding mercilessly. I likely had a concussion after that idiot hit the back of my head. I had passed out initially but had woken up when they threw my body into the back of an SUV.

I didn't want to bring attention to myself so I continued to pretend I was unconscious. They put a hood over my head but they didn't bother to tie my hands. I wondered how they could be that stupid. I intended to take advantage of this the moment we stopped.

We had been driving for a while, the men up front seemed to be lost in conversation about who a female warrior in the pack favored more. I slipped the hood off my head and peeked over the edge of the backseat. It was only them in the car.

I scooted to the side of the vehicle so I was just high enough to see out the side window. I recognized the area. We were on our way to Cyrus's castle. That makes sense I don't care how convincing she is the members of my pack would never stand by seeing me treated like this.

I was trying to mind-link with Erick but I could tell something was blocking it I just wasn't sure what. We drove for what seemed like a few hours but honestly, it was hard to tell bouncing around in the back.

The sun was starting to set as we rolled to a stop. I didn't dare try to peak but I could see part of the castle. I quickly situated the hood fully down over my face and went back to pretending I was unconscious.

"Oy, get your ass out of there." I heard one of the men shouting. I kept my body limp as he reached in and smacked my leg. "Ah hell, maybe I hit her harder than I thought." I felt him climb halfway in the back so he could drag me out. "She better wake up I don't want to carry her."

I waited until he had dragged me close to the edge of the vehicle. I sprang out attempting to shift and land in a fighting position. Except, I didn't shift. Instead, I fell to the ground howling in pain. Shocks surged through my entire body.

I could hear the men laughing above me. One man stepped over me and leaned in close. "Now, don't be getting any silly ideas about escaping. Eliza sent us with a special piece of jewelry for a special girl. That collar around your neck is infused with wolfsbane, and a bit of magic. You won't be able to shift as long as it is around your neck."

The other man chuckled, "It's a magical shock collar for a very bad dog. Before you get any ideas they can only be removed by the one who created them. Good luck getting Eliza to take it off! Now get up, I am not carrying you again."

No wonder they weren't overly concerned about restraining me this collar was more than enough to keep me under control. She really was prepared this time around. I trudged along silently between the men.

The shorter of the two was quite amused trying to trip me up every few feet. I had hit the ground a few times before the other guy told him to cut it out. The sooner they got me squared away in the dungeon the sooner they could relax and rest up for tomorrow.

They didn't seem to be concerned to talk freely in front of me so I tried to take in every bit of information that they let slip. They were prepared for an attack to happen tomorrow morning. They had even gone so far as to set traps.

It would appear that the place was sparsely populated and didn't have many defenses established. When they had a mage that was able to project a large spell hiding their army. The large cannons and other weapons would only be seen when it was far too late. I needed to warn Erick but this collar was keeping her from reaching out.

They didn't take me to the tower where I expected to be housed. They led me down a series of stairs. I went all the way underground. It was dark, damp and despite the warmth being a werewolf provided I was chilled.

This place looked like a torture chamber I knew I couldn't give up but this was seeming increasingly more daunting by the minute. Metal braces protruded from the wall, a set that was ankle-high, and another that was well above my head.

Near the bottom, set were large bulky chains in a pile. Each man went to a pile and looped the chains through the higher braces. The ends had cuffs that they placed around my wrists. The chain snaked through the lower brace before they looped it around a metal cleat. At the moment I had enough room to stand with my arms down to my sides or sit forcing my arms above my head.

After I was secured the men left the room shouting back to have fun! Assholes, I needed to remember to punish them thoroughly when I was freed. Time passed but I am unsure just how much the exhaustion had caught up with me and I was dozing off. That was until the door opened.

I could see Joel and Cyrus walk into the room. I instantly became alert and angry. "Well, well, well, look what we have here." Joel raised my chin so I was forced to look at him. "You thought you were so smart figuring out who Eliza was. That you would escape and get to live happily ever after with that mutt of yours. Let me ask you, how is that working out for you now?"

This man infuriated me. How can you just turn your back on your own pack? What kind of disgraceful wolf does that. All I knew was I refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cower or beg.

"It is working out exactly as I planned. I can promise you this, you will regret this." I spat in his face. The look of horror as it hit him right on the cheek was priceless. He was shocked and disgusted and I was pleased to have caused that reaction.

"Two can play that game sweetie." His hand came back and swiftly slapped me across the face. The force of the hit knocked me off balance.

Looking up and right in his eyes I told him, "Has anybody ever told you that you hit like a girl!"

"Be careful, you'd be wise to remember you are the one currently in chains, not me." He turned to the other man. "Honestly, what do you see in this chick? I suppose maybe if she wore a muzzle she might be more appealing." His head snapped back at me, "don't think I don't have the power to make that happen either."

"Queen Maeve said I could do whatever I like with her. You have to admit her body would be awful fun to play with." He walked over and was running his hands up and down my body. That repulsed me more than anything Joel could have said to me.

Cyrus was a filthy vile man and the more his hands groped me the more my skin crawled. I closed my eyes trying to will him to back off. Picturing in my mind what Erick would do if he was here.

When a growl shattered the silence. My eyes shot up across the room to where I thought I heard it come from. (I can feel your presence, especially when you got angry. I thought I was imagining things until I heard your growl.)

(We need to get you out of here. We are coming tomorrow morning. Be safe my love.) Panic shot through me no I had to warn him they were ready for an attack tomorrow.

(NO, don't I only pretended to be unconscious on the drive up here. They are expecting you tomorrow. Wait, they won't know what to think. Gather as many warriors as you can and come in three days. They will think you are abandoning me, their defenses will go down.) She pleaded to me.

(I won't leave you there for days.)

(Please, I am ok, I can withstand this. It will give you an advantage. She has me in Cyrus's Castle in the far southeastern area of my pack's lands. She has yet to show me her face. If you delay the attack she may come here personally to question where you are.)

(Be strong, I will let the pack know. I love you Rhian. If anything happens to you I swear I will rip Eliza's head from her body and kill her once and for all.)

(I love you, go don't watch what is going to happen now. Go be safe.) I could only hope he listened to me. If he came tomorrow they would be doomed.

I opened my eyes in time to see Joel come at me with his claws out. "I want to play with her too!" He wasn't interested in my body he was simply intent on hurting me. I saw the evil behind his eyes as he clawed across my chest.

A scream escaped my lips as I felt the blood trickle down my chest. He just laughed as I saw him raise his other hand to cut me again.