
**Rhian's POV**

I knew I wouldn't survive much longer the way they were treating me but I knew I needed to hold out. Erick would be coming for me. The pack would be with him. I was falling in and out of consciousness for a while now.

The blood loss and constant healing were draining my body. Add that to the lack of food and sleep I was in rough shape. I stirred trying to lift my head when I saw a rather weak-looking female enter the room. She was carrying a small tray of food.

Oh, thank the Goddess. It wasn't much it looked like some sort of broth and stale bread. The girl kept her head down as she brought the bowl to my mouth. It was cold but at this point, I was grateful for anything. Next, she fed me hunks of the bread. As soon as I was finished without a word she grabbed the tray and left the room.

The food would help me heal a bit faster but as much as Joel enjoyed hurting me I was never going to keep up in this place. I still couldn't manage to break through and talk to Erick. I knew at this point he had at least held off on the immediate attack. It infuriated Eliza and I did enjoy seeing her flustered. She had thought her plan was foolproof.

My eyes and head felt heavy after the food and I could feel myself dozing off. That is until I heard a growl come from the other side of the room. "Erick?" I looked up but I couldn't see him just sense that he was there.

"Yes baby, I am here." I heard him answer. Relief rushed over my body. Just knowing I could speak with him brought me comfort.

"Eliza is angry. She was waiting on your attack. She visited herself to yell at me. Typically I only see Joel. He's barely giving me time to heal before he comes back to punish me more."

"I am going to kill the bastard. Slow! Hang in there sweetie. One more day." He pleaded with me

"I am trying, they finally gave me food and it helped a little. Talking to you will give me strength. Just promise me she isn't going to win." I wanted to be strong but I knew I was safe letting him see me broken. It was better than Joel or Eliza seeing me breaking down. Then I felt it, I knew he wasn't actually here but I felt his hand on my cheek and his forehead against mine.

"You are so brave and strong. I need you to continue to fight. The moon Goddess showed me our future children. Twins, a little boy, and a girl that is your carbon copy. He has your eyes, we were carefree happy, and enjoying an afternoon together. I don't know how you did it but motherhood suited you.

You radiate happiness and your smile showed joy in your eyes. I would have thought it impossible if I didn't see it with my own eyes but you only got more beautiful with age. I can't wait to be done with this mess so we can start our life together." He kissed my nose, my gesture.

My heart swelled, him being here in whatever way he was giving my body strength. I could feel my wounds closing and energy being restored. "You better be ready for more than a set of twins. I want a whole houseful of kids. Little boys as handsome as you. And girls that give us all the grief and worry a daughter should."

"Whatever makes you happy, just don't give up, don't leave me." I felt his lips pressed to my head. As the door opened again. "Go," I whispered, "I'll be waiting for you."

"Have we resorted to talking to ourselves? I suppose you will always get the answers you're looking for." He had something in his hand I couldn't make it out until he got closer. Was that a cattle prod? What was he going to do with that? I didn't have to wait long to find out.

I felt the electricity coarse through my body. A scream escaped my lips.

"Oh, I like this. It's fun watching your body contract in pain. It's a lot less messy for me as well. I was getting a little tired of washing your blood off of me." He moved the prod to my shoulder. Shocks of pain ran through my arm.

I don't know how long he continued. He laughed maniacally the entire time. It was like seeing me in pain made him giddy. Eventually, I passed out. I don't know if he continued after that but when I came to my entire body ached from the repeated contractions of my muscles.

I had to remind myself, to be tough, stay strong. I wouldn't give him the courtesy of breaking me. I kept my mind focused on Erick and our future pups. Only a little while longer. Moon Goddess give me strength.

**Erick's POV**

My heart was breaking but by tomorrow evening I would have Rhian back in my arms where she belonged. Samuel and David made a lot of progress and had recruited several packs to help. We even found a connection to her old pack.

One of the warriors had taken a tracking training session with a member of their pack. He reached out and they were meeting tonight. We expected he would be able to at least spread the word to some of the members of the pack. Hopefully, they would help give us access to the territory without notifying Eliza we were coming.

I needed to focus on that. Things were all falling into place. We had a plan, and now we had more help than we ever expected. We had a few hundred wolves arriving throughout the night. We planned to leave at dawn.

We were going to borrow a few busses from the pack schools. Those that had been traveling and hadn't had the chance to rest would ride. Giving them a chance to rest a little. It was a couple of hour journey if we were in our wolf forms. Samuel, David, Alec, and I would lead the charge. A few other alpha and beta's from closer packs would be with us.

Our wolves were larger and faster and the distance wouldn't impact us as much. The only thing left to do was try and rest and pray the Moon Goddess helps protect us. "I'm coming for you Rhian!"