
**Erick's POV**

I blacked out entirely as I began to ram the door. All I knew was Rhian was behind that door and someone dared to hurt her. That scream was filled with pain. Samuel said the door had to be spelled but I didn't care nothing would stop me from reaching her.

Finally, with a guttural growl, I felt the door break below my shoulder. I took one look into her eyes and I saw her head fall. They were surrounding her. Waiting for us. There were at least ten people in the room. I wasn't really focused on them just Rhian hanging limp in the chains blood pouring from her body.

(I have to help her cover me) I linked the group. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Joel back up into the corner as three disgusting-smelling wolves stepped up to Samuel and David. They didn't shift even though Samuel and David were already in their wolf forms.

The last thing I saw was blood spraying out like a geyser as they had their throats ripped out by my friends. I had just reached Rhian attempting to lift her head so I could see her eyes. Her head went limp in my hand. Anger flooded me as I had never known before.

I shifted and Robin said it was his turn. I felt him slash at the two pale figures as they attempted to pin down the warriors from the other pack. They were strong and had them both pinned to the back wall. I saw the fangs in their mouth as they attempted to bite the necks of my friends.

They were no match for Robin as he easily ripped the heads from both of their bodies. I eyed Eliza as she backed away near Joel. Coward, was the only thought that crossed my mind. She was content letting her minions fight her battle.

David and Samuel had already moved behind the older man with a large stick. He was focused on a wolf from their group that looked like he participated in a good deal of fights. The wolf was approaching the warriors on my side that had just faced the pale couple. He was attempting to attack them while they were distracted.

It seemed like the man wielding the stick was controlling the wolf's actions, or shielding him from attacks. One of the warriors attempted to claw the wolf and it was like the barrier we encountered above his hand shoved back never even making contact.

I mind-linked the group (we need to get the man with the staff.)

David answered, (On it) but just as he was about to bite down on the man the woman screamed. "Pulsus sphera potentia," a glowing orb sprang from her hand knocking David against the wall behind him.

This gave Samuel enough time to tackle the woman and rip her throat from her neck. Leaving me to tackle the entranced man. I swung at him and knocked him to the ground landing headfirst. His staff fell and his body went limp.

Without the protective force around him, my warriors easily handled the wolf that was going after them. Only four remained the older wolf, Cyrus, Joel, and Eliza. We approached the corner they had backed themselves into in a semi-circle.

(I want Joel and his Uncle alive) Samuel linked to the group. The older wolf must have been Joel's uncle. We nodded in approval. Eliza stepped forward.

"Listen, gentleman, I am sure we can come to some sort of compromise here. Her eyes focused on Samuel. If you allow me to handle my nephew in return I can give you power. Sovereignty over all the wolves."

Samuel growled, "I want nothing to do with you and your schemes. You have meddled into the affairs of the wrong pack and I for one want nothing but to see your head on a stake."

"I don't think you understand me here pup." She took another step toward Samuel, "I will be immortal and have the power to give you anything your heart desires. Just say ugh." She stopped abruptly with a groan and looked behind her.

As she turned we could see a small dagger was sticking out of her back. Cyrus stood behind her with his head downward. "Cyrus, what have you done?"

"I couldn't do it any longer my queen. I have been forced over and over to relive these lives with you. The thought of living forever by your side is something I cannot do." His words were solemn.

Her eyes flashed red, "why didn't you just say so? I do not require a sniveling, disloyal half-wit anyway!" She reached with one hand and grabbed his throat. Cyrus was sputtering struggling to breathe as she lifted him against the wall. Before long he stopped fighting and his head flopped to the side.

We were momentarily stunned by the incident unclear on what to do. When I regained my senses I shouted "Die you evil bitch." She was grinning sadistically, this needed to be over once and for all. I came up behind her and snapped her neck.

Her body collapsed to the floor. Samuel put his hand on my shoulder and said, "We have this go check on Rhian."

It hit me that she hadn't said a single word after we entered the room. "Rhian, Rhian, wake up." I lifted her head in my arms but she didn't stir. I checked for a pulse and could see she was still breathing but her wounds looked dangerously severe.

"Check for a key," I shouted back to Samuel. He searched Eliza and quickly ran back with it. I unlocked the chains and held Rhian's limp body in my arms. I had to get to one of the medics that had come with us.

David said, "Go. We will handle these two they are coming with us."

"Thank you, Uncle Samuel, she must have had me under some kind of spell. I never would have willingly hurt my pack." Joel tried pleading.

"Save it. I don't believe a word you tell me." Samuel dismissed his ridiculous attempt to gain sympathy.

I flew up the stairs just praying the barrier was down so I could reach the medics. I couldn't lose Rhian. Defeating Eliza would mean nothing if Rhian was dead. I braced myself as I approached the barrier. I put my shoulder down to shield Rhian but thankfully nothing stopped me.

I ran out the door. "Medic, I need a medic." I pleaded hoping someone was near enough to hear me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a man rushing my way. I placed her on the ground and he began to examine her.

"Her body isn't healing as it should." He said as he placed a stethoscope over her chest. The dried she is visibly pale and the dried blood stains lead me to believe she suffered a great deal of blood loss.

"I know they were giving her wolfsbane. Is there a way to counteract the effects?" I knew tears were beginning to form. I felt so helpless as she lay there unresponsive.

"The antidote has a higher likelihood of killing her than helping. Are you her mate? If so, the best thing you can do is stay with her. I will patch up the open wounds along her back. Her spinal cord may have been damaged by the laceration. Hopefully, she begins to heal quickly or the damage could be irreversible."

"I am her mate. I won't leave her side." I mind-linked David and Samuel, (Can we reach Doc, Rhian needs an ambulance. The medic is worried about her injuries healing with the amount of wolfsbane in her system. The bastard may have severed her spinal cord when he was torturing her.)

(I will get in touch with him immediately. These two are secured and at the meeting location ready for transport back to our jail.)

(Please tell them to hurry.) There was no holding back my tears at this point. I didn't care what anyone thought my heart was breaking for my mate. I got down on the ground and laid beside her gently stroking her cheek, begging for her to keep fighting. She was safe now.