
I closed my eyes, I was racking my brain as to what I would even be able to say. It was my brother William. He was the oldest boy in my family. I also didn't particularly trust him. He had an air of superiority and felt like he should be able to control the rest of us siblings.

I turned around slowly trying to steady my nerves. I was hoping I would be able to play this off and get away before he realized my true intentions. "William, I am sorry did I wake you?"

"I was already awake, but what exactly do you think you are doing right now? Why are you not in bed?" His face was blank but his tone was stern and accusatory.

"Bethany sent me to collect ingredients for a potion she was working on." I mustered strength and confidence in my words so that I sounded believable. It didn't hurt that it was a completely plausible scenario. I often collected the ingredients for my sibling's potions.