The ranger station

**David's POV**

I woke in the morning with Abigail snuggled in closely. For a moment, before my brain caught up with reality and I opened my eyes I thought I was holding Elizabeth in my arms. I realized they both had a similar scent, lavender, and jasmine. I was startled by the realization and it caused me to jolt up.

My sudden movement woke Abigail up suddenly. "Everything ok?" She looked worried. Assuming the jarring movement was a sign of impending danger.

I hesitated, "Uh, sorry, yes. There was a ... uh... spider crawling on my leg it startled me." What could I say, sorry I thought you were my dead wife for a moment. I realize the spider thing was ridiculous but it was better than the truth.

"Oh," her face looked puzzled, "I hate spiders too." There was an awkward silence before she spoke again. "What is the plan for today? Will we make it to the ranger station?"