
** David's POV **

"She looks mad; you guys didn't tell her I would be here, did you?" Great, now she is going to feel like I am ambushing her. That is not how I wanted to start this. I knew I would have my work cut out for me.

Erick and I walked up to the woman. "Um, hey," I looked around nervously; I could see she was angry. "How was your drive? I always find it to be pretty calming."

"It was fine." Her answer was curt, and her tone flat. I had a long road ahead of me.

"Hey hun, I noticed something down in the barn. One of the stall doors seems to be falling off. Would you mind helping me fix it?" Erick was not so subtle about trying to pull Rhian away and leaving Abigail and me to ourselves.

Rhian followed suit; they must have planned this little stunt. "Of course. Hey David, would you mind showing Abigail around the property? We can all meet up around two and have lunch by the lake."