Trying to shift

** Abigail's POV **

I gave David all the time he needed to collect himself. "You ready to head back?" He nodded, but I gave him another hug before we started walking. "We will figure everything out, and we will do it together." He looked at me so sweetly that I could read the gratitude on his face. He wasn't prepared for my reaction to the situation.

"Thank you," was all he could manage to say at that moment.

"Of course, but let's get back there before Erick eats the entire lunch!" We laughed and headed to the gazebo. 

"Congratulations, guys! I am happy for you." David clapped Erick on the back and hugged Rhian.

"I can't wait to be an Aunt!" I took Rhian's hand, "But now I have to decide what I want them to call me. Abigail is a lot to say for a baby."