A goodnights kiss

** Abigail's POV ** 

Dinner was great; we all laughed and talked. I liked this carefree side of David, even if I knew it wasn't going to last. The search for his kids was likely going to be beyond stressful, and I anticipate a lot of ups and downs. I was cherishing this time. We even sat on the porch holding hands and talking into the night.

I could sense he was torn, thinking about what we were getting ready to do and being present in the moment. He told me about how feisty he was growing up as an only child, and not only that; he was the Alpha's son. He gave the adults in his life a run for their money!

I envied his childhood, where he actually got to be a child. Although, if I hadn't grown up the way I did, being forced to practice magic, I might not be able to help David find his kids. I wouldn't have been able to heal him either. I don't have to like it, but maybe there was a reason I grew up the way I did.