
** Abigail's POV **

Joel told me everything I needed to know to convince him I was on his side. But also, he just gave us a significant lead in trying to track down David's kids. We know they were sold to the highest bidder. It was disgusting; really, it would be difficult trying to stay agreeable to Joel. He sickened me.

I looked at Joel, "Since you know all of that, I am sure you are aware of the intentions of the purchaser were? Why they specifically want male and female werewolf pups?" 

He hesitated and looked at me skeptically, "Well, no, Uncle Griffin just told me that they would provide financial security for the endeavor, and they needed to remain alive. To be honest, I couldn't care less what happened to them after that point. Babies are needy vile creatures, and don't get me started on the number of bodily fluids they leak."