
** Abigail's POV **

We didn't stick around to find out where the voice was coming from. Evelyn put her arm around both of our shoulders, and we ran away from the sound of the voice. The cave was like a massive maze. I was hoping we wouldn't get lost, or worse, right into danger!

I could tell that the effects of the wolfsbane were wearing off because I started to hear Star in my head. I tried to mind-link Rhian to see if it was possible.  Rhian, can you hear me?

Yes! You're spell worked! We need to find out if we can reach the guys. They have to be looking for us by now.

On it! I tried reaching out to David. David? David, can you hear me?  I shook my head,  Nothing. Maybe it is the cave or that we are too far away? We can try again later, but we need to keep moving for now.

"Evelyn, does your hip feel any better? Have you begun to heal?"