
** David's POV **

***Mature content warning***

As I sat there in Abigail's arms, I thanked the Goddess that Abigail never gave up on me despite every mistake I made. She was correct; it wasn't up to me to make choices for her. She was an intelligent, strong woman and fully capable of handling anything that was thrown at her. 

She gently released me and stood up. Without a word, she reached out her hand. I gladly took it as she helped me to my feet. She turned and walked away with one hand behind her, holding mine, urging me to follow her. She led me to the bottom of the stairs and started climbing them, still holding my hand.

I knew where this was heading, and when we got to the top of the stairs, she started walking down the left side of the hall. I stood my ground, and it caused her to stop. When she turned to look at me and ask why I stopped, I didn't even give her a chance to speak. I pulled her to me so that her body was pressed against mine.