(When Your Born In Fire You Can’t Live In Smoke)

This story is mainly about things that I feel led to write. I will talk about a Balance in God in sound Biblical Doctrine. I will go in depths of what God called us all to be. Why reaching souls is important.

When your born in the fire you cannot live in the smoke notice the smoke chokes you and if you stay in the smoke you die.

Just because you failed does not mean it's over get up again it's not about how hard you can hit but how hard you can get hit and keep on going forward and if you get knocked down can you get back up?

Here is my Story

Chapter 1. (Balanced)

Bro Derek Savoie said.

A Jezebel Spirit Wants To Get Involved In Everything But A Man With A Burden Never Comes From Hell! A Man With A Burden Niever Sends Someone To Hell! But A Jezebel Will Drag You To Hell!

Just Because Your On The Platform Does Not Mean Your A Leader Rather Your A Singer Or Instrument Player Or Your A Preacher... The Pulpit Doesn't Make The Preacher A Leader And There's No Song Leader And Song Floaters Its Just A Worship Team Singing Gods Songs And Worship. That's Doesn't Make Any Of Them A Leader... Sitting On The Plate Form Or Teaching Sunday School Does Not Make You A Leader Teaching Bible Study Does Not Make You A Leader!

Jesus Didn't Have A Pulpit And You Didn't See Him At The Temple All The Time Sitting On The Platform Looking At The Others Like The Scribes And Pharisees Did! No He Got Out And Walked Into The Darkness And Being A Light To A Lost And Dying World! He Was Looked Down Upon For Hanging With The Sinners Talked About Because He Heald Someone On The Sabbath Was Numbered With The Transgressors And Was Called The Bailsabub Liar Cheater Joke!

When He Did Preach In A Church When He Finished He Stepped Down And They Said Isn't That The Carpenters Son... No Respect For Him As A Preacher That Was Just Joseph's Son The Carpenters Son Not The Messiah Not The Promised Savior!

The Bible Said He Didn't Do Many Mighty Works Because Of Their Unbelief!

So Jesus Went Into The Darkness And Shined A Light Thats What Made Him A (LEADER)!

If You Look In The Mirror And See Yourself Do You See One Who's Like Jesus and Is A Leader Or Are You Another Scribe Or Pharisee?

Man Beholdeth Himself In A Mirror And Walks Away Forgetting What Manner Of Man He Is!

Are You Walking Out In The Darkness And Shining A Light Or Are You Sitting On The Platform Raveling In Your Position Looking Down On The Saints And Saying That's Ones Called To Do This That One Called To Do That And I'm Not Sure If That One Is Called To Preach I'm Not Sure I Think His Calling Is To Be A Soul Winner...

That's Not A Leader.

Someone Who Goes Outside The Church And Starts Something And Shines A Light In The Dark And Reaches After The Lost And Pulls Souls Out Of The Burning Fire Of Hell And Preaches On The Streets and Walmart Parking Lot National Park ECT Thats A (LEADER!)

A Singer Who Goes Out Sings The Songs Of Encouragement Not Charging A Dime But Somewhere In Public Goes Out And Starts Songs Of Zion ShiningA Light! That's A (LEADER)!

When You Get The Holy Ghost Your Called To Do Something And You Alone Must Find It Not Anyone Else You Are To Make Your Own Call And Election Sure! Everyone Else If They Want To Be Obedient To The Word Of God Are To Try The Spirit And See If Its Of God!

No Body Is Called To Warm A Pew And Be A Number In The Church We Are All Called Out For A Purpose!

Are Your A Leader Or Are You Another Scribe And Pharisee?

"Servant leadership In the kingdom is not about seeking position and power. It is about following Jesus as he serves others and suffers on their behalf. Servant leaders follow Jesus by doing what he says to do first in whatever context they find themselves."

Show Me A Pastor That's Strong On Biblical Doctrine And Standards Of Holiness And Just As Much Strong On Compassion And The Love Of God And True Godly Love For Souls! And There You Have A Pastor That's Balanced! I Thank God For A Pastor That's Real Not Fake And Cares For Others!

We need more preachers like that and Saints as well!

Strong in The Truth Of What The Bible Says Grounded Stedfast Unshakable Planted In Truth The Bible!

Wise As A Serpent Harmless As A Dove!


Achan's sin didn't just cost him and his family.

His sin cost 36 men their lives, and forever altered those families.

Everything we do has a far greater reach than what we see....


You can only balance something with an equal weight at the opposite end.

When it comes to living for God, He said "be ye holy for I am holy". The word "holy", here, has one definition of being balanced.

Just going to the "house of God" doesnt bring you into balance with God. You must let what you hear, change you, to bring you into balance with the God of the house.

Gods plan is to form you into His image in this earth. Everything He does is to help move us into that image

The things we chase afte, that are not of God, create an imbalance in our lives. Thats why we feel at odds when we try to approach Him...we're out of balance with Him.

Only way to gain balance with God is to remove the things that create an imbalance. Sin, rebellion, unbelief, lack of obedience.....all things that load the scales against us.

THE FIX: Repentance, water baptism, and being filled with His Spirit (Jn 3:5, Acts 2:38) remove those things and help us to begin to walk in that perfect balance with Him.

We're not saved, brought into balance with God, by our own works, but by our obedience to His Word

Bible tells us to "lay aside the weights that so easily beset us"....ie...get rid of those things that create an imbalance within/around us.

Go to God, ask Him to help you remove anything that separates you from Him. Find balance with God, and you'll have peace in your heart!


2 Cor 2:11 — Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices

.....unless you just want to be!

Some folks do not want to hear THE Truth. And satan loves it! He enjoys the fact that a people formed in Gods image would turn and reject the very God that formed them.

In the days of Noah, they rejected The Truth, as well. They held to it, until it thundered. Noah had preached righteousness for 120 yrs. God gave them many years to hear and obey.

That moment of realizing He was right came upon them suddenly. The Truth was revealed. The rains came. Those that rejected Him were washed away.

There IS coming a day when the whole world will once again be shocked back into knowing The Truth! The Trump of God will sound, those Born Again will rise, and the church will leave this world to its fate.

God loves us dearly....but Like Noah's day....you're running out of time. Dont let the enemy of God lull you into believing lies. God said He was coming back...are you ready???

Get IN the Word of God...

Let the Word get IN you

"Blessed are those that do hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled!"

To many folks living with an "Identity Crisis"!!

You arent the label the enemy has placed on you. Remove it!!!!

Change how you see yourself. Change how you allow it to make you feel, act, and/or react.

People NOT Politics!! Unity!! Wake Up!!

The Lord gave me a treasure yesterday that I never want to lose. I'm so thankful for what the Lord is doing not only in my own relationship with Him but in the body of Christ as a whole.

I don't care what your life looks like right now. You better stay close to God because you don't want to lose out on this Revival. Pray more than you ever have, worship more than you ever have, and witness to souls every chance you get because there's a great harvest happening not later, but now!

So many things try to creep in the way of our purpose of why we go to Church and why we show compassion towards others.

And so many look at you and see in their own eyes and flesh that nothing goes right so they assume your a fake a fraud or a joke and no matter what seed you sow it seems you read destruction.

When You Sow Love and Compassion And You Reap Hate and persecution You Sow Encouragement And Hope And You Reap Rebuke And Scorned You Sow A Burden And Vision And Prophecy From God And Reap Questioning And Unsure And You Sow A Seed To One That Asked Help And You Reap When You Asked Help Rebuke And Mockery And Criticism.

I Know The Last Scripture You Want To Hear Is Galatians 6:9 But That's Gods Promise Hold On To It Because It Will Happen!

Galatians 6:9 KJV

[9] And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Psalm 126:5-6 KJV

[5] They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. [6] He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.

That's his promise.

15 years ago My Pastor Ben Petrella spoke this to me saying. The Lord Put This On Me To Tell You Be Not Weary In Well Doing You Keep Weeping On God You Keep Pressing You Keep Pushing Just Don't Be Weary!

In 2015 he Told Me Again same thing then in 2017 at A Youth Rally at his Church He Told me Again then few months ago in 2020 he preached that scripture and preached right at me Again and look at me and said BE NOT WEARY AND WELL DOING BECAUSE YOU WILL REAP WHAT YOU SOW!

I'm telling you Hold On To Gods Promises it's Coming!

(Apostolic Pentecostal Doctrine In 1990s And 2021)


This is just a thought on some things.

The early 1800s you see all ladies wearing and yes uncomfortable dresses tight and you couldn't breathe all the ladies wore dresses then in 1851 women started wearing pant-like clothing then you go from there women putting on mans apparel or manlike apparel but the Christian ladies did not do such thing any of the denominations they put on dresses that covered the body as the hookers took more and more off revealing so many parts of their body along with painting their faces like Jezebel the false prophetess of hell anointed by Satans wickedness and evil power among nose jewels ear rings ring on every finger are use licks all over the hands and feet which God said in the scriptures was the sign of a Harlot.

Men had beards always have some shaved but all of them had clean cut hair unless you was a native Indian. In fact you had some Indian men join white culture and they cut their hair like the white men.

But then in 1960 long hair and beard men came to play in the rebellion free will do as you want as you please. But you find that the Christian men shaved their kept their hair clean cut and clean trimmed beard and some shaved their face. Most in the Apostolic Pentecostal ranks shaved their faces refusing to look like the world choosing to be separated from the world according to the scriptures in the KJV.

Ok you see little bit of change in the world over the years now let's talk about the Apostolic Pentecostal Doctrine clothing standard and outward appearance in 1990s through 2021 there's a major difference I came in the world in the year of 1994 and when I began to grow and old enough to understand I watch a major change in the church I was in and the circle we were in I watch 2 church splits inside the church I was in at the time and then I saw 1 church split outside that same church. But let's discussed the change saw.

We will talk about the outward appearance later in another post we talk about the inward appearance and what does God see when he looks at you.

The 1990s standard on women dresses not so tight that it reveals areas that makes guys blush 2 and half inch is the highest on heel of the ladies shoes elbows covered at all times skirt length to the ankles no higher then mid cafe and som was med leg and no split period.

Long hair ladies not brought it with gold nor braided nor permed not trimmed off not burnt off completely natural uncut hair.

Men hair clean cut faced shaved hair Comb back or parted big shaved on side or spiked.

No tv no video game

And you didn't date a girl unless you were straight up going to marry her. And I came out of a place that got weird and you loved who you married which was approved by your mother Father Pastor and it was someone yoh didn't know and who they picked and I only seen two that were very happy with each other and their marriage is not in shambles right now. Rest are ether separated or they flat out hate each other and their children suffer for it.

Back to clothing and standards men wearing pink shirts was wrong and that's not even heaven or hell issue but that's what I was raised up hearing.

But heard what I saw some of this is flat out nonsense and not even biblical at all but was preached like it was sound Bible Doctrine. They took the scripture about being obedient to a man submitting to a man of God Amen that's right Obey them that have the rule over you for they give a account for your souls. Hallelujah! That's right that's obeying Gods word! But I watch them take that scripture and started throwing people in hell over a beard and having long sideburns like Elvis Presley.

Long sideburns was out all the way back in the Bible days just like beards which Jesus had along with John Peter Matthew and Some had long sideburns. John the Baptist would been thrown in hell because he had a beard and died with one.

But it was grafted in Apostolic Pentecostal Doctrine by one man back in 1967 in some jobs outside of church is frowned of as unprofessional but homosexuality is professional their to.

Now understand something back in that day of the 1990s a bunch of churches held on to this the wear long sleeves shaved their face cut their hair and not shaved on the side but a even clean trim and the looked like clean Godly men.

And when they praise oh what power it brought and women long long uncut hair I seen the hair long all way down to the floor not permed but natural long and I seen one lay her long uncut hair over someone sick and prayed to God for healing and God healed that person that long hair was that women's Glory God Gave her!

The power of God fell the took their time having church I seen angels and the blue silver blue Smoke mist and white fire on the heads of those praying and touching God!

then the 2000s hit and it all changed. I look at Apostolic Pentecostal standards and it makes me sick. Yes we do holidays that we used to not do and I'm not saying your going to hell over it but looking at some things here really scares me.

The sleeves got shorter and shorter over the years and the dresses the men's hair are getting longer and the women's hair are getting shorter all in the name of looking pretty they put on makeup gloss their nails changed the color of their hair and fingernails!!! Men's paints so tight they walk effeminate look effeminate talk effeminate!!! Some growing beards and it's all in the name of preacher can't tell me how it's wrong. In the words of Elder John R Crist a beard today is a mans makeup!

I seen a lady claim to be Pentecostal Apostolic following the old paths get up and sing at a Pentecostal Apostolic Church with makeup lipstick and dyed hair and gloss nails with sparkles just like the World did. Her boots went up over her knees and I shouldn't be able to tell you that but her skirt was stopped where her boots started it was funny but it wasn't a joke Bro Carson Was preaching about how to look walk and talk Godly but he said I see more legs and thighs At church then Popeyes and what's said it's not new converts it's seasoned Saints and their children!

Welcome to the Apostolic Pentecostal standard of 2021 instead of older women teaching the younger it's oh we got to be patient with our children it's ok for them to look pretty.

I'm sorry but anything outside of natural beauty is not pretty or beautiful and looking like a hooker is not at all pretty to Holy Ghost Filled Men.

Oh so you been looking huh! You can't help but see what marches up the platform and struts in front of you especially if you're single.

Lay nothing up that will cause your brother to fall.

Along with this dress change the move Of God rarely happens the out pouring miracles stopped the blind stay blind the deaf stays deaf the layman stays laym the disfigured hand or diss formed leg stays the same.

Am I saying you have to go all the way back follow every little detail of the old Elders Standard and dress code? No I'm not! But cover the inappropriate places don't drag attention to yourself don't paint your face like jezebel those long top boots wear them but put on a skirt that covers your knees and everything else that only your husband should see.

I had a Baptist man tell me I am not gonna make my ladies wear dresses because the dresses those Pentecostals wear today I see things that shouldn't be shown in public and I ain't no difference the the strip poll dancer the pants on my women cover up what needs to be covered.

That's very sad y'all.

Are we Really a light to the World or are we Use to the Dark?