Chapter Seven

Gutter grinned at me from over the table slidding a glass of milk over to me. Im lactpse in tolerant I wanted to tell him I noticed a scar under his right arm. He saw it and glanced away before saying in a very loud voice.

"Guess what?" Charlie matched his voice almost as loud. I wasint sure If they were mocking eachother I didn't know. I wanted to sya something thank you but I wasn't sure if I was really thankfull.

"IM IN THE writters group". I drowned out the rest of the conversation like we were under water the murkynedd was still closing in. could I get out could I swim my body didn't want to move there voices were sinking together joining. What was wrong was it these family moments? My dad mom and I used to have these family moments with Ronnie before she left home to start her new life damn itt new life. I wish I could lead a new life as they say. But it wsint that easy what did my dad say in his book. Gutter tapped my arm from besides the table. Id idint answer I didn't know hwat. To say he tapped on my name name again this time persistent.

"what". I mutter I couldint belive I was mumbling.

"you and I should go to the coffee shop tomorrow I still have to look for my pride pin you know". There was tht word again you know. I shrug my shouldiers wasint sure if I wanted to go to the coffe sop with him I used to go there all the time efore my dad died. Jepp looked over a Gutter from above his orange juice.

" you lost your pride pin". Sounded made my mom would only get mad at me for anything else not this defenently not this.

"yeah sory dad I was helping Nico out and all that shit".

"launguge". That was funny at least his parents had a no swearing rule but he continued on like he hadint heard it so this was his streak.

"anyways dad as I was saying were going to morrow". He placed his fork into his hands and began spinning it around like a hanglider his jacket cuff fell slightly. The scare was dark and purple stretchin in the middle of his hand he didn't pay attention to it he just continued talking un aware. I glanced at ny own bandage is that what my hands going to look like. I felt around the bandage would I have to hide it from my mom from evrone would pople see me and wonder what was underneath that. Would they know. My feet shifted uncomfortabley on the table. mY dad wouldint of liked me to do that.

"your going to the coffee shop". Jepp took a swig of orange juice. Some trickled down hiss stubley chin. Knobody noticed as a kid I had high levels of Ocd and it somewhat botherd me.

"make sure to brig your rain coat GUtt theres a storm tomorrow". Gutter nodded he was like th obeying type always nodding his head to his dad. I wish I was like that. I balanced the fork so it spun in my hands and landind back on the table It flutterd into the eggs. Jesus I couldit do anything right. I didn't know what was wrong with me.

"theres a storm tomorrow?". He asked

"its not bad". Charlie glanced over his phone which was open proudly to the weather page. He showed it to Charlie who emiadeatly glanced back at us and ruffled with Gutters head than turned to me. Charlie had these huge soft eyes that widend everytime he lookd at his son they were proud I wonder if my mom was proud of me would she be proud of me if she knew I couldint right. I glanced at my watch.

"you've been quiet". I look up. Charlie was glanceing at me.

"oh im always quiet".

"are you?" he said he gave me a satisfied grin. I shook my head. He was kind of like that dad type I realized he was the kind of guy who was kind my dad was kind.

"yep". Gutter voiched for me then he started to account the sceen at the locker and then marsha. Jepp looked up at this point.

"is marsha your girlfriend". Could have laughed I had never thought of marsha as anything other then a nusance.

"no". I said if that changed anything which it didn't.

"you gay?"

"DAD". This was possibley the only time ive seen Gutter jump out of his seat so wuickly that his head he was pretty tall hit the ceelliing fan he groaned. That was normally a personal question I didn't answer instead I was pretty interested in the eggs. I changed the topic and Turned to jepp who looked slightly embarresed.

"did you make these". He breathed in a long sigh then laughed

"no I orderd them from breakys down at fifth avenue". Breakys was this small little diner at the edge of the town right netx to a ghost gas station. It was a nice place but the food was always to greasy.

"oh"> I look down at my plate maybe just maybe id be abke to sink with it. After breakfast or whatever Jepp and Charlie did the dishs something my parens never did my parents just went to there different corners my dad to watch football and my mom to clean. Jepp and Charlie must realy love eachother. Gutter was watching me his eyes falling limply over my bandage he let out a long sigh before whispering.

"come with me".

"where". But he was already gone.