Summoning 2/3

[ Rin pov ]

"Preparations ready"

"Time is prefect"

"Wavelength ideal"

"By performing the summoning at 2am, when my mana is at its peak, I will get Saber even if there is not a catalyst, just you watch"

"For the element silver and iron,

the vanishing stone and the archduke of pacts

and for my great mater Schweinolg, close the four gates,

come forth from the crowds follow the forked road leading to the kingdom,

fill fill fill fill fill, repeat five times, but when each is filled, destroy it.

Set, head my words,

my will creates your body and your sword creates my destiny,

if you heed the grails call, and obey my will and reason then answer me.

I hereby swear that I shall be all the good in the world, that I shall defeat all evil in the world.

Seventh heaven clad in the great words of power



´What was that?´

As I run upstairs I can´t help but wonder why my servant didn't appear in the summoning circle, he mast be the one upstairs, but how?

No way, I messed up the ritual... AGHHHHH WHYYYY

"Ugh, all right, what are you?"

She... is beautiful.




This woman... is infuriating!


Wait a second... did she just say...

"D-did you just s-say... goddess?"

"Huh, of course I did, you got the one and only goddess that could possibly appear in this war, see I already told you, your luck must be on EX to get me. Don't worry master, I will make sure that you don't get with that idiotic bastard of an mc, so everything will be fine"

"I am not sure of what you just said, but what did you mean by ´the one and only goddess that could possibly appear in this war´, I don't think goddesses should appear at all"

It must be a lie, there is no way I just summoned a goddess, that's right there is just no way

"Hmph, you are lucky I am not your father´s servant, he would have killed for the disrespect by now"


"What do you mean ´my father´s servant´? Did you participate in the last war as well?!"

"Huh? Of course not, are you actually not listening to anything I say? This will be the third time I say I know many things"

"Then... do you... do you also know how he died?"

"PFFFFT HAHAHAHA girl, you are in for a real ride if you wanna go down that road"


"Sigh... don't misunderstand okey, first of all stop raising your voice, I may be nice but don't think I will tolerate any disrespect, second, yes I do find it funny, your father was an a*shole who got exactly what he deserved, third, you still haven't told me where you keep the wine and without fuel my mouth will not work long enough to tell you the story"

How dare she?!

"By the comma-"

H-how, how did she close the distance so fast?

"I won't let you waste a command seal in something so stupid, the fact that you just tried to waste the best card we have for this war shows that you are nothing more than a child, ignorant to how actual grail wars work, so lets do the following, you show me where the cellar is, I get drunk and then we continue the conversation when my mood lightens"

Would she do it? Would she really kill me? I feel sweat running through my back while her hand is pressed against my throat... she would, I can see it in her eyes, she would really kill me.






"I am sorry for threatening you..."

Is... is she drunk?

"I-It´s okey, I shouldn't have tried to use the command seal like that, I didn't know it was so powerful"

"Well as away, I am all earsss *hic*"

Okey she is drunk. How can a servant even get drunk? That doesn't make any sense, her body should be made of mana right? Sigh, just what is wrong with my servant...

"I would like to know what happened to my father please, I would also like to know why you said he deserved it"

"Sigh, getting into the sad stuff from the start huh, well whatever I did say I would answer after I drank so it´s on me"

Did she sober up? I don't understand anything about her.

"Well your dad was betrayed by his servant and the creepy fake pries-"


"Come on now, the only one here is me and I am right here in front of you so there really is no need to scream"

"R-right, sorry"

"Well your dad was stabbed in the back, quite literally might I add, the fake priest then took your dad's servant as his own and kept fighting the war as if nothing happened"

"As for what I said about your father deserving it was mainly because he was a magus and, like all magus in the world he was a completely disgusting bastard, I mean its not like I am a very good person or anything, but literally everything magus do is always so messed up"

"HEY, it is true that some-"

"Pffffftt *cough* *cough*"

"FINE, MOST magus are messed up, but we are not all like that"

"I know that master, that's why I said at the beginning that you were the best master in the war, because you are not disgusting like the rest, besides I also got the prettiest master so I am not complaining... heh you look cute when you are blushing"


Who does she think she is... besides I am not blushing, I am totally not blushing, in fact I am not even happy at her compliment, that's right I am actually extremely angry, that's why my face got red, she thinks that just because she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen I like like her or something? Of course not hmph.

"Hai hai whatever you say master"

This woman... is so annoying!

"Lets continue with why I think your father is trash, you see he basically sold your sister away, normally I wouldn't mind a little girl getting away of such a disgusting father, the problem is that he sold her to the devil"

"What do you mean?"

"Well... you might wanna sit down for this one"




I can feel tears running down my cheeks, it feels as if though my entire life has been a lie, no not a lie, more like a dream, a dream paid with my sister's blood.

"H-how is that possible? It is a lie right, t-tell me it is a lie"

"I am sorry master, but what I told you is the truth"

"T-then what h-have I been doing? Trying to honour my father who sold my s-sister away? Laughing, studying, sleeping, living a good life while my sister was tortured?"

"It´s okey master, you were but a child when that happened, you still are. You also had no way of knowing what she was going through"

I feel my face bury in her chest, while tears continuously pour fro my eyes. Its so warm, its so comfortable... its something I don't deserve.

"Everything will be fine master, I am right here"

I feel her hand petting my head, her arm hugging me tightly, ahh I see, so this is what it feels like to have someone to-

[ Aqua pov ]

Damn, I might have messed up a bit telling her about it... no, it was bound to come out eventually, it's better that she knows now since we might be able to help her.

And she fell asleep... sigh, we were supposed to start discussing the war but I guess it's my fault, I might have messed up at the beginning annoying her so that I could get some wine.

If I remember correctly she should be a heavy sleeper, so there shouldn't be much trouble carrying her to her bed, however... sigh, I can´t bring myself to leave her alone, she reminds me too much of my sister. Whatever, I don't need to sleep so I guess I can let her sleep on my lap today.

"Sleep well my master"