Definitely NOT killing a janitor

[ Rin pov ]

"Okey you place a bag on the floor, I will cast a spell to make sure Shiro doesn't wake up during... well, during everything that we are about to do to him." Aqua says, though there is some complexity in her voice I try not to think too much about it, I understand that, despite being a goddess and disliking Shiro a lot, she won't enjoy causing pain on him, even if it is necessary for us.

"A bag? You just said you were gonna resurrect him, why would we need a bag?!" Sometimes her ideas confuse me, while she does indeed have a lot of unexpected knowledge, she also usually rants about pretty weird things so it is hard to know wether she is being serious or she is just spouting nonsense.

"Well... I definitely won't be cleaning up blood from the floor, I am a goddess you know?"

Ahh I see, I guess it makes sense.

"I see, that is a good idea indeed." I definitely won't be cleaning any blood either, I know Aqua most likely thinks it would be ´beneath´ her or something along those lines, the only one who wouldn't mind cleaning would probably be Shiro, but I think that after kidnapping him, stealing from him, cutting his arm, stealing from him again and killing him, telling him to clean his blood would be a bit too shameless.

"Also, about the spell, it will only work for when we kill him, since he will die instantly everything afterwards will feel kind of like a dream to him so he won't be causing trouble, as for cutting his hand to get the command spells... well that will be a little more troublesome"

"Hmm, so you are confident in getting his hand back, bringing him back from the dead, but don't have an appropriate way to knock him out?"

"Pretty much, yeah"

"Sigh, well I don't have anaesthesia or anything like that, but I think a can cast a strong sleeping spell on him, though I am not sure if it will be strong enough to make him sleep through the pain of having an arm sliced off"

"Good enough, there is really no use in thinking too much about something like this, besides it won be good to have him here for long, otherwise I would tell him to clean his blood instead of using a bag, but I don't trust his protagonist aura at all, the chances of trouble coming get higher with every passing second"

Sigh, and there she goes again with her nonsense, also, would she really force him to clean? I just thought about how shameless that would be and there she goes and says it.

"Although I don't understand the nonsense you are saying, I agree, the sooner we get this done the better."

[ Shiro pov ]

Shiro suddenly bolted up, pain awful enough to make him want to pass out, he saw his hand separated from the rest of his arm, blood spurting from the wound and painting the floor underneath, as well as his clothes, red.

As he was about to scream, he felt extremely tired, before passing out however, he saw a blue haired woman, whose beauty no human could possibly match, watching him with slightly pitiful eyes.

"Nice going master, you put him to sleep pretty fast"

"Thanks, I guess, although it was easier than I expected so I didn't have to use much mana. He was probably close to passing out from the pain even though he just woke up"

"Damn, we didn't think about his clothes at all, now look at them, all filled with blood... looks like you have no other choice but to do laundry today master"

"WHAT?! Why me? Why don't you clean it?!"

"Well, obviously because I don't know how to use those machines of yours, I am a goddess after all, but lets forget about that right now, we need to pass his command spells to you fast before putting his hand back again"

"Okey" Though I tried to act tough, the smell of blood was getting to me, she must have noticed that huh, I guess she can be pretty nice... it fells a bit wrong saying that even though I just saw her cut someone's arm like she was cutting butter.

I felt a sting on my hand, not too painful, but enough to become bothersome. Three new command seals engraving themselves on my skin, meanwhile Aqua already started moving towards Shiro, attaching his hand one again and casting a spell strong enough to put the hand back as if it never separated to begin with.

[ Aqua pov ]

His hand instantly re-attaches itself to his arm.

Now is when things start getting troublesome, I need to use my second Noble Phantasm for this, which means that he will see me clearly, sigh.

I must say it feels a bit messed up using something a got from consuming a part of his future self´s soul to kill him and separate Avalon from his body but whatever, we need it more than him so f*ck it.

"Master, I will have to use my second Noble Phantasm for this, although we don't have to worry about being detected since I placed barriers on the house last night, there is the possibility of something happening while I am gone and, since I don't know how long it will take, I will have to ask you to not leave the house in the meantime"

I am pretty sure it would take merely an instant, after all I should control the flow on time within my domain right? Especially if that domain is the combination of my authority and my reality marble, however time in the afterlife is messy so I better not take any chances.

"Very well, I will start preparing dinner in the meantime"

"Okey, master"

"Do you need me to use a command seal to activate you Noble Phantasm?"

"There is no need master, since my mana reserves are pretty much full, I should have no problem using my second Noble Phantasm, though it does consume a lot more than the first one"

"I see... be careful then" Although it came out as nothing more than a whisper, I still heard it clearly. Now what kind of shameless perverted godde- I mean, what kind of awesome and pure goddess would I be if I didn't use this opportunity to the fullest

"Though I might be tired afterwards master, so you better be ready to spoil me a bit, Rin" I said with a grin.

And she is blushing, heh mission accomplished.

"Behold the domain of the gods,

be amazed at the sight of my chambers,

marvel yourself... at the place between life and death,

where this great one controls the very fate,

behold my throne,

be amazed at the place of judgement,

marvel yourself at the sight of she who rules life and death,

enter and obey...

for this great one invites you to your death!





Author note:

Ignore the sheer amount of edginess and chunni moments, this is Fate so you really shouldn't expect anything else.

Who is your favourite servant? Mine is Diarmuid.

Honestly everything about him was a masterpiece, from his backstory to his ending, everything was just great.

In terms of how much I enjoyed watching someone, he is first no doubt, I mean his fights were awesome and his Noble Phantasm was lowkey pretty op. Fate/zero was the first one I watched and he was the first one to actually fight so part of it might be because of how impressed I was.

Second would most likely be Iskandar (Rider) and third Nero (Umu).

Anyway I will write a fanfic with Diarmuid as the mc´s servant. I feel like Lancer´s have it pretty tough so I want to change that.

No worries about slowing my updates, honestly my goal in life at this point is to post every day (fuck college am I right?).

Well, I simply got the idea and, although I have kind of like the outline planned out, it should take at least two weeks or so to even start releasing chapters, honestly it depends on how much classes I have.