Operation 'Annoy master' 2/2

Once inside the mansion, Rin sent Aqua to cook more food as punishment. Since there was a new servant they would need more food. After a small tantrum, Rin gave Aqua 4 bottles of wine in exchange for her cooking.

While Aqua was in the kitchen preparing the food and some tea, Rin was sitting with Saber in front of her.

"I apologise for all that has happened Saber, we were originally planning to summon you once we returned to the house... but well, things got complicated." said Rin calmly.

"It is alright, master." replied Saber, equally calmly.

"Well, my name is Rin Tohsaka, a magus. The blue-haired woman is Aqua, my other servant. What about you?"

"I see... I have some questions but they can indeed wait until after the introduction. I am the king of knights, Artoria, also known as king Arthur."

"WHAT?! I m-mean, King Arthur was a woman?" asked Rin in disbelief.

"Yes, awesome plot-twist am I right?" said Aqua, who came in with two cups of tea.

"So that is why you didn't want to tell me who we were summoning huh?"


"Sigh, okey. Well Artoria, you said you have questions so feel free to ask them now, Aqua will be cooking the food so you don't have to worry about any... sudden interruptions." Rin said while glaring at Aqua, telling her to get out, to which Aqua begrudgingly obeyed.

Once Aqua left the room and returned towards the kitchen, Saber spoke.

"Thank you, master. Well first of all I would like to know how you have two servants."

"She barely consumes mana so I can maintain you two without trouble."

"Why did she say that she is a goddess?" asked Saber. Since she was inexperienced with divinity, unlike Berserker, she couldn't quite feel it well. She could however, feel the way nature loved her. She also couldn't understand how someone with that personality could possibly be a goddess.

"Because she is, or at least that is what she told me. To be honest I didn't expect a goddess to be... well, to be like her." replied Rin showing a wry smile.

"I see. Is that how she knows so much? Because she is a goddess?"

"Kind of? To be honest I don't understand well how she knows so much, even though she explained it."

"Hmmm, well one last question."

"Go ahead."

"What is your wish? What do you fight for? Before I pledge my sword to you, I want to know the answer to that."

"I have no wish. I am simply fighting because there is a battle to be fought."

"You are saying you have no wish from the cup that can grant anything?!" asked Artoria, surprised by her master's answer.

"Indeed, for generations, winning the grail has been a dream of the Tohsaka family. I am just fighting to win."

"So you simply wish to make the grail yours without any wish?"

"I don't care about the grail, I simply want to win. Or at least that is what I would have said before, right now I don't care much about winning either. I am fighting to save my sister."

"Your sister? Right... Aqua mentioned it when talking to the daughter of Irisviel."

"Yes, I will end her pain and destroy those responsible for it!"

Following Rin's statement, a strange silence followed. Saber was thinking about the answers her master had given.

Rin on the other hand was thinking about how mad she actually was. Without a doubt she was thankful to Aqua for taking her mind off it even if only for a little while. She started wondering if Aqua, who knew so much of everything, was aware of how much it was helping Rin's mental state having by acting as a distraction.

Rin hadn't touched the tea yet since they were talking, so she grabbed it to drink it, however as soon as she did she immediately forgot everything nice she was thinking about Aqua until now. That goddess was definitely messing with her.

"AQUA! This isn't tea! You just boiled water you shameless woman!" screamed Rin. Artoria herself preferred warm water so she chose to drink the water without complaining.

Aqua, who had just entered the room with a tray, flinched. However it wasn't enough to make her loose her smile. She lowered the tray she was carrying and placed it on the table.

Rin looked at Aqua with eyes full of disbelieve. Saber just watched as Aqua placed tray with three badly-pealed raw potatoes, 2 onions and a one half eaten slice of pizza with seven chewed pizza crusts on the side.

Both moved their eyes between the tray of food and Aqua, who didn't even bother cleaning the pizza crumbs of her cheeks.

Artoria stared in a depressed manner at the food, if that's what it could be called. She wouldn't admit it but she was quite excited when she heard they were going to give her food.

Rin on the other hand simply kept looking between the tray and Aqua's face over and over again, until her sight finally settled on Aqua.


[ Aqua pov ]

The moment Aqua noticed Saber slightly depressed she couldn't help but not feel proud. Umu umu, operation 'break the stoic facade of the cute king of knights' will be a success no doubt. Unfortunately for said king of knights, in order for that operation to be successful, she would first need to put in motion operation 'Annoy Saber'.

Of course this was all for the greater good, it would be best for Artoria to learn how to properly express her emotions in order to lead a fulfilling life. Exactly, this operations were definitely NOT made up so that Aqua could entertain herself while annoying someone with poorly justified reasons.

So far operation 'Annoy loli' was a huge success, and operation 'Annoy master' was also going extremely well.

This operations were also justified, operation 'Annoy loli' in order to secure an alliance and definitely NOT because she enjoyed bothering the semi-emotionless homunculi-human.

Operation 'Annoy master' was also done in order to help take her mind off the situation with her sister and definitely NOT because she enjoyed watching Rin's cute pouts.

Even doing this with the food

Aqua moved her gaze towards her master to confirm that operation 'Annoy master' was indeed going perfectly, she however didn't expect to see Rin's operation 'Annoy master' was going a bit too well.

Aqua, who had already placed the tray on the table, chose to take off immediately, only to have her neck catcher by her master.

"M-Master, you are hurting me." said Aqua, slight tears gathering on the corner of her eyes.

"Hey Aqua, what happened to the pizza I had made before we left? And what about the food I sent you to cook?" asked Rin with unnatural calm.

"I have no clue master! The pizza was already like that when I got there and the rest is the food I cooked!" said Aqua


"Ahhhh Master stop! I made that food with love! And I didn't eat the pizza!"

"Why do you keep lying?! I already told you I can see the crumbs on your face! That's it, no alcohol to you." Rin chose to use 'Punishment' on Aqua.

'Punishment' dealt 200% damage.

Aqua lost.

Or did she?

"M-Master! Please don't I'll do anything! I can't sleep without drinking and I have been up since you summoned me to guard the house! I am tired!"

"Is that why you wanted to summon Saber you shameless woman?! To sleep without having to watch the house?!" asked Rin, who already started to understand Aqua's personality.

"E-Eh, how did you kno- I mean of course not master! I did it because we need her help to defeat our enemies!"

Rin grabbed her face cheeks and started pulling them.

"M-Master let go of my cheeks!" said Aqua while tears threatened to drop from her eyes.

"That's it Master, you leave me no choice but to use my ultimate skill!" Aqua exclaimed.

Rin, who started having horrible flashbacks of Aqua's ultimately annoying skill, lost concentration and let go of Aqua's cheeks, a chance Aqua did not pass up.

Aqua was about to commence operation 'Escape from master's rage' and take off, however she felt the urge to gloat about making her master loose concentration with her bluff.

"MUAHAHA I got you master, I wasn't actually gonna do it but you fell for it hahahaha" Aqua said, before proceeding to run away.

As soon as Rin realised what happened, she started running after Aqua. She expected Aqua to try and go to the cellar to grab alcohol before she hid it, so Rin went in that direction.

Saber, who had been staring at all of this unfold, only had one thought on her mind, how the hell was her master still sane after dealing with Aqua?!