Operation 'Annoy Saber' 2/3

Once the bell rang, people started exiting the classroom to go eat. Artoria, who didn't understand a single thing throughout the whole class was especially glad to have a break for lunch.

"H-Hello Tohsaka-san, emmm would you like to eat with us?" asked an orange-haired girl nervously.

Rin, who was leaving the classroom with Artoria, politely declined.

"Ah Saegusa-san, I am sorry but I will be showing Christina around the school. Besides I don't bring packed lunch so we will swing by the cafeteria as well." explained Rin.

"Oh I see, I apologise then." said Saegusa.

"Don't worry about it, and don't feel discouraged from inviting me again." said Rin with a kind smile on her face.

As Rin and Artoria walked in the direction of the cafeteria, Artoria could swear she saw Aqua for a second giving her a thumbs up from behind a wall, but as soon as she focused her senses on it, she couldn't find her.

Once they were finally reaching the cafeteria, they came across Aqua who wasn't even trying to hide. Aqua was talking to some students and for some reason her hair was blonde.

Rin and Artoria froze for a moment in confusion. Aqua was supposed to be hiding because there are servants here, so what was she doing out in the open like nothing was wrong?!

As soon as Aqua saw them, an amused smile appeared on her face before she started speaking.

"Ahhh Christina-chan, you forgot the food your Onee-sama made you with so much love!" she said loudly, gaining the attention of most, if not all, the students present.

"Here you go!" continued Aqua loudly with a grin on her face. "4 McDonalds hamburgers, 3 rations of fries, 2 cokes and a bowl of soup I made myself."

Rin and Artoria still had no clue about what to do, Artoria in particular was extremely confused because of what Aqua was saying.

Aqua quickly closed the distance between them before giving all the food to Rin, who had a bit of trouble holding everything, and started talking once again.

"Ahhh you must be Rin-chan, my cute little Cristina-chan always talks about you and how cute you were as a kid! She even gave me a cute foot of you dressed up as a princess, don't worry I already passed it around the school to everyone since we wouldn't want them not to know about your cute side right?" Aqua said while rubbing her master's cheeks which were currently red.

"As for you Cristina-chan! How come you left all the food in the house? You can't be embarrassed about how much you eat, you are a growing girl after all, it is important to eat a lot to grow strong and healthy!" Aqua said, now focusing all her attention on Saber.

"Also, how could you leave the house without giving your Onee-sama a kiss of goodbye? I was left super sad! Luckily you forgot your food so I was able to have an excuse to come here!" Aqua continued.

By now everyone in the cafeteria was fully immersed in the conversation the three were having... well more like the one-sided conversation Aqua was leading but whatever.

"Also, what have I told you about keeping that stoic face, you need to smile more if you want to make some friends Cristina-chan." said Aqua while grabbing Artoria's cheeks and moving them around to form a smile.

"Well, your Onee-sama needs to leave now, so come on and give me a kiss of goodbye!" said Aqua.

Seeing that Artoria wasn't moving, Aqua chose to give her a kiss on the cheek and a tight hug before leaving.

"Well, behave bad in school kids and don't forget to mess around and annoy your teacher's a bit!" said Aqua before leaving.

After Aqua left, Rin and Artoria remained unmoving, the cheeks on both of them red and their mouths slightly opened.

Rin and Artoria sat on a table, doing their best to ignore the stares of everyone else.

Artoria, who was bright red and extremely awkward, chose to grab the food and ignore everything else for now, she was quite hungry and confused after all.

Opening the hamburgers, she noticed that there were two already half eaten and one of the bags of fries was empty. She was now awkward, hungry and slightly depressed.

Rin, who grabbed the soup and opened it in an attempt to stop thinking about all that just happened, came to one conclusion once she saw what was in the soup-thermos.



[ Aqua pov ]

Huh, that went well.

I have successfully delivered perfectly made food to them and even gave them advice on how to make friends. I went as far as to give people a photocopied picture of Rin in a princess costume. Now everyone will see how cute she is and will totally want to be friends with her.

Then I even gave Artoria a hug so that people would see her as more approachable.

Ahhh the troubles I go through for my master and my fellow partner. Truly I am the best anyone could ask for.

Well, luckily Rider was currently on the other side of the school so I could help my master like this without trouble.



[ 3rd pov ] [ Later, once they arrived to the house ]

"Ahhhh stop it master! I don't get it I was completely helpful!" screamed Aqua while running away from her angry master.

"You actually sold a photo of me to the students!" screamed Rin while trying to hit Aqua with rays of her magic.

"I needed the money to buy some alcohols you don't have here! It is not my fault master!" said Aqua, hoping for her master to see that it was all for the greater good.

"AGHHHH get over here Aqua I am going to kill you!"

"But master! I am a goddess and just helped you! This is the moment when you pray a little and give some offering in gratitude so why are you trying to attack me?!"

"You didn't help at all! Thats it, Saber go and destroy all the alcohol in this house!"

"Understood master." replied Saber.

"NOOOO! Artoria-chan please put Excalibur down... I can't live without that alcohol!"