Operation 'Annoy Caster' 1/3

Suddenly, Assassin stoped laughing, his amusement replaced with annoyance.

"Well, it was fun, but I have been ordered by my master tell you that Saber must stay here, while you and your master may go up." said Assassin to Aqua.

"Well, it seems like our host finally invited us in." said Aqua happily while standing up. "See you later, Assassin!"

"Wait, are we really separating?" asked Saber. She was most certainly not a fan of dividing themselves and sending her master to the territory of Caster with only Aqua.

"Don't worry about it, it might not look like it but Caster is actually very reasonable."

"YOU LIED AGAIN! She is not reasonable at all!" screamed Rin while running and dodging lasers.

"Okey okey, this one is on me. How could I have known she hates goddesses so much?" replied Aqua, running besides Rin and occasionally using 'reflect' on the lasers that got dangerously close.

"Didn't you keep saying that you knew all about everything?!"

"Well yes, honestly I also knew she hates goddesses, I just didn't expect her to attack us as soon as we entered her territory... Tee-hee!" said Aqua

"Aghhhh what is the mater with you?! Take this seriously and do something!"

"Alright alright, I will do my best to defuse the situation..." said Aqua while doing her best to look reliable. Rin however started regretting everything that led to this moment.

"Hey Caster! You should at least here us out! With that temper you will never find yourself a good husband..." screamed Aqua in Caster's direction.

Caster stopped for a moment, veins started popping on her forehead under her hood.

"Silence you disgusting goddess! I will kill you!" said Caster before firing more lasers at Aqua.

"Hey! I am not disgusting at all! I am the most amazing, awesome and beautiful goddess ever so show me some respect!" said Aqua while stomping her foot on the floor and casting countless 'reflects' around herself and her master.

"Aghhh you are infuriating! But it doesn't matter... it is my win!" said Caster.

All of a sudden, the space around Aqua gained a purple-translucent colour and she froze in her place.

"Now tell me you filthy goddess, how does it feel to have your fate at the hands of someone else?" said Caster with a slight smile on her face.

Rin started firing red rays at Caster in an attempt to break her concentration. This however proved futile against Caster who simply deflected them without any effort.

"Dammit, Saber is fighting Assassin so she can't come... ughhh Aqua get out of there now or I will use a command spell!" said Rin.

Aqua sighed within the space and said something inaudible.

"Ahh, are you begging for your life you pitiful excuse for a goddess?" asked Caster with clear amusement.

"Sacred Break Seal!"

Suddenly the purple dome of space that kept her in place broke and she regained her ability to move. Seeing this Caster was shocked, and quickly decided to keep on attacking with her lasers. She had more mana than any other servant could have so she would play a battle of attrition.

"Wait! Before you continue let me say what we came to say first!" said Aqua seeing that Caster would just keep firing.

Caster stopped for a moment. To be honest she was a bit curious about why they came here, of course that curiosity wasn't enough to not try to kill a goddess but she could hear them out while preparing a more powerful spell in the meantime.

"Tell me then." said Caster dryly.

"Okey, I have two questions actually, well more like a question followed by an offer... are you already in love with Kuzuki or would you accept my invitation to join my master's harem?" said Aqua with all the seriousness in the world.

Both Rin and Caster froze, speechless at what Aqua just said.

"W-What?" Caster asked, unsure about wether or not she heard the blue-haired goddess in front of her right.

"Well? Did you already fall for him or will you join my master's harem? I have noticing the lust overflowing from you eyes every time you look at my beauty but I am sorry, I am loyal to my master and thus can't be with you unless you join her harem." said Aqua with an apologetic yet serious expression.

"You really choose this time to joke around!" screamed Rin.

"B-But master! It is important to get possible misunderstanding out off the way as soon as possible! Besides she is total waifu material so it would be nice to have her on your harem!"

"I don't have a harem!"

"Ughh, but master!" said Aqua with small tears on the corners of her eyes."What about me, Saber and Ilya-chan? Are you just going to leave us like that after flirting with us all the time?!"

"What are you even talking about?!"

While this discussion was happening, Caster wasn't really sure about what to do. On one hand she already had the spells ready to be used, on the other she was confused, like genuinely confused about the offer to join a harem, on the third hand she was both amused and annoyed by the goddess in front of her, so watching her master scold her was surprisingly pleasant.

(Yeah there are three hands, deal with it.)

"Well... as nice as this is, it is about time to end it!" Caster immediately froze both Aqua and Rin in place.

"After watching you hold your ground against Berserker despite being at a clear disadvantage I was thinking about making you mine, such a shame that you turned out to be a disgusting goddess." said Caster while walking closer to them.

Rin started getting a bit stressed because, while Aqua already proved that she could break this spell, it seemed that Caster could cast it repeatedly without trouble, which was very and for them.

Aqua, contrary to Caster's expectations, simply smiled.

Caster was angry at this, she felt that Aqua was underestimating her.

"Whatever, I will be taking Saber from you while also taking this annoying goddess and leaving her to disappear without an anchor to the world." said Caster to Rin while walking in her direction and pulling out a strange looking dagger.

Rin, who was on a purple sphere right next to Aqua, started panicking for a moment. Aqua had told her and Saber before they came that Caster was a bit dangerous, mainly due to her Noble Phantasm.

She might not feel anything coming from the strange dagger, but it matched the description Aqua gave about it.

As Caster closed the distance between her and Rin, Aqua's voice interrupted her victory thoughts.


Suddenly, Caster appeared in an empty black place, sitting on a wooden chair. In front of her sat the blue-haired goddess on a throne of stone.

Caster could feel this was her domain... a place overflowing with her divinity and completely under her control.




Author note:

In case someone doesn't understand why Medea knows that Aqua is a goddess, it is because, once they get close enough, Medea can sense her divinity. As someone from the Age of Gods doing that isn't hard at all.