Operation 'Not die' 2/2

Rider decided to stop thinking about what the spell her enemy casted was supposed to accomplish, she didn't feel anything wrong and based on the reaction of the blue haired servant, that meant the spell failed.

Throwing her chains in Aqua's direction, she expected for Aqua to create another barrier like before, however Aqua dodged both chains and grabbed Sakura, who was resting on the floor, before running away.

"What are you doing you useless servant?! Go get her!" screamed Shinji in rage, watching the blue haired woman grab his sister and run in the direction of the stairs.

Rider decided to ignore the insults of the brat and took impulse before jumping in Aqua's direction, closing the distance that had been created in an instant. As Rider was about to slice Aqua's neck, she suddenly turned around and placed Sakura as a shield between the two. Rider was stunned for a moment, she felt the woman didn't have any negative intentions directed towards her real master but this... she had been careless.

Stopping herself from cutting Sakura, she barely noticed a staff being swinged in her head's direction. Lowering herself to avoid it, she couldn't help but look at Aqua in anger. She wasn't one of those 'let's fight with honour' type of people, but to use a young girl as a shield... added to the actual anger that kept growing the closer she was to Aqua and Rider was beginning to want to kill this servant out of rage.

Seeing her strike being dodged, Aqua couldn't help but curse at everything. She knew this attack would only work once, since Rider would be expecting it from now on, but to think it failed...

Aqua continued running up the stairs, occasionally covering herself with Sakura as a shield and causing Rider's anger to grow. Once she was about to reach the door to exit the basement, Rider jumped over her and stood between the door and Aqua. "Enough running." muttered Rider while gritting her teeth. "Leave the girl alone and tell me why I hate you so much." continued Rider, who at this point was sure there was something unnatural going on.

"Ha ha ha... well you see... think of who you hate the most in this world." said Aqua, causing Rider to furrow her eyebrows, indicating her displeasure at the memories. "Well, he and I share our domain I guess... Medusa."

As soon as Aqua said that, Medusa froze. Focusing all her senses in Aqua's direction, she could feel the mana that was being exuded of her body, the mana that was laced with... divinity!

"!" exclaimed Aqua while pointing her staff in Rider's direction. Taking advantage of Rider's shock to shoot an absurdly huge torrent of water in her direction might be a low blow, but all is fair in love and war... and Aqua's survival I guess.

The pressurised water was swiftly avoided by Rider, much to Aqua's displeasure. The water continued upwards until it went completely through the house and destroyed many walls, coming out of the roof.

"Just in case... I am not paying for that." said Aqua looking at the huge hole her attack created while slightly panting. "Though there is no need to pay the dead." she continued, her tired expression turning into a grin. She may have used way more mana than she expected, but there is still something that she can do...

Putting Sakura down on the cold floor once again, she caressed her hair before getting up and looking in Rider's direction.

Rider was currently loosing her shit. This divinity... this domain... this attack... "POSEIDON!!!" she screamed in rage before throwing herself in Aqua's direction and swinging her chains wildly, destroying everything around.

Aqua started doing her best to avoid both the knife like ends of the chains and the actual chains, however it was growing increasingly difficult since Rider's attacks kept getting faster and faster.

"" muttered Aqua, while casting the blessing on herself.

As the attacks continued, small cuts started appearing on Aqua's body, from which a golden liquid flowed out.

"" muttered Aqua, once again casting a blessing on herself.

While the battle continued, Rider's movements grew faster and wilder, causing for the walls to start breaking as the constant attacks she performed created more collateral damage than actual damage.

"Damn it, " said Aqua, pointing her hand in Sakura's direction. A barrier was formed around her just in time for a piece of the ceiling to not smash Sakura.

This small moment however costed Aqua greatly, as one of Rider's chains trapped her.

"DIEEEE!!!" screamed Medusa in rage. Taking advantage of Aqua's current defenceless state, she stayed her heart with the remaining chain.

Having Medusa in front of her, while a knife was going through her heart, Aqua couldn't help but smile and slowly move her hand to caress Medusa's cheek.

"I am sorry for making you remember painful things..." said Aqua in a low and kind tone. "I am sorry for what you suffered at the hands of other gods..." she continued.

Medusa was speechless, as she slowly calmed down she noticed a barrier covering Sakura... her real master who she was loyal to, she saw the knife like end of her chain going through Aqua's heart, she felt the warm hand caressing her cheek, she heard the kind tone of voice along with the apology. It was like the weight on her chest was slowly disappearing.

"Now stay still for a moment and let me free you." said Aqua while pointing the hand that wasn't caressing Medusa's cheek in Shinji's direction.

", , " said Aqua, casting three spells pointed at Shinji while hoping one of them was enough for what she was trying to accomplish. As soon as she finished casting, Shinji panicked and was about to order Rider to protect him, however the book on his hand turned to dust.

While Shinji was staring at his hand which used to hold the book in disbelief, Aqua turned her attention to the arriving people.

"Well you sure took your time getting here huh?" she asked, making Artoria and Medea awkward. "Caster, go get the brat. I already told you what to with him so feel free to cause as much pain as possible in the process. As for you Saber, go get Sakura and take her upstairs."

"Aqua! What abou-" said Saber, while pointing her sword at Rider. Her words however were interrupted by Aqua.

"It's okey, we just need to have a little conversation that is all." said Aqua with a smile. "Now hurry up, and don't wake up Sakura. Also Caster, do you mind taking this bug? We need to put him in a box and bury him or something but it is a bit too disgusting for a goddess as awesome as me to carry it all the way back." said Aqua while praising herself, though she didn't look particularly... godly, with a knife still in her heart and chains keeping her on her position.




Author note:

The weekend is here so hopefully I will have enough time to write a lot and be back to the 2 updates daily on this two novels and one update daily on mha's novel.