Take the stress out of me (R-18)

"Ahhhnn!" moaned Aqua loudly while Rin's hands moved across her legs.

"Nghhh" came out of Aqua's mouth while she held another moan in as Rin's hands moved upwards, getting closer and closer to her private parts.

"Stop it already!" screamed Rin frustrated. "I said I would give you a massage but this is too much!"

"Aww come on master." said Aqua while moving her head slightly in order to make eye contact with Rin. "You promised you would do anything I asked you to do, it would be sad if my very own master, whose sister I saved while getting injured in the process, broke her promise to spoil me."

Rin could feel veins pop on her forehead. "I agreed to spoil you indeed... but tell me Aqua, what does spoiling you and having me in a bunny suit have to do with each other?!"

"Ahhh well you see master, like this you are basically candy to the eye, while I am a kid on halloween, you see where I am going with this..." asked Aqua while taking a seat on the bed, the towel that covered her back slowly falling down and revealing her naked body.

Rin blushed at the sight. "I d-dont know what you mean, also put some clothes on you idiot!" she screamed while her face was turning red.

"Ahh well let me explain you then master." said Aqua, grabbing Rin's hand and pulling her closer while bringing her mouth to Rin's ear. "I want to eat you..." she whispered before proceeding to bite her master's ear.

Rin could literally feel the blood rushing to her cheeks, fully aware that she must be redder than a tomato right now. She proceeded to do the only thing any sane person wold do in such a situation... she pushed Aqua away while screaming. "You pervert!" this however wasn't enough to convince Aqua that her master wanted her away, especially because a bit of blood was coming out of Rin's nose while her eyes kept coming and going from Aqua's body.

A smile formed on Aqua's face as she came closer to Rin, this time grabbing her wrist and pulling her into a hug. "You know master, it is okey to have some fun." said Aqua while caressing Rin's hair. "Everything is fine now, your sister is safe with Shirou and you are safe here, nothing bad will ever happen to you, after all the greatest goddess of all is here to protect you, so it is fine to take a break once in a while, live life a little." said Aqua while separating herself from Rin before placing her finger under her master's chin and raising it, leaving the two women staring into each other's eyes.

"I have spent all my life trying to get better, to get stronger, to have more knowledge and perfect my magic, and recently I have been overwhelmed by my sister's situation, besides we are literally in the middle of an actual war, and you want me to take a break? To have some fun?" asked Rin while looking into Aqua's deep blue eyes, her tone revealing nothing that could indicate what she was thinking about.

"Yes." replied Aqua with a smile, not bothering herself to use some fancy words to convince her master, since she already knew quite well what was going on through her mind.

"I see..." replied Rin while her face grew redder and redder, her expression becoming that of an embarrassed kid. "Then... why don't you help me?" she asked while covering her face with her hands.

'AHH. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT I AM GONNA DIEEEE!' screamed Rin in her mind while still covering herself with her palms.

Aqua however simply grew happier, after all who wouldn't enjoy watching an embarrassed cutie in a bunny suit?

"Well master, I suppose I can help you if you ask me nicely." said Aqua while separating the hands Rin was covering her face with, forcing the girl to look her in the eyes.

"I w-want you to h-help me with that." muttered Rin while looking at Aqua, her face bright red by now.

"I see... I suppose I can let it pass right now because you are nervous, but from now on you will have to ask things properly." said Aqua with a grin before bringing her face closer to Rin's, until their lips touched.

Suddenly Aqua pulled Rin into the bed, rolling around while their kisses turned wilder and grew more passionate, making a mess out o the bed sheets and leaving Rin's clothes, a.k.a. the bunny suit, thrown around the room as she slowly took them off while making out.

"You said you wanted some help having fun right?" asked Aqua while moving her hand slowly across Rin's body, eventually reaching her now wet pussy.

"Y-Yes." replied Rin while breathing heavily.

"Then I guess I have no choice but to help my master by getting some of the stress inside her out." said Aqua with a grin before she started massaging her master's clit, occasionally applying pressure on her lips. As time went by, Aqua's movements grew more unrestrained, forcing Rin to be constantly holding her moans by bitting the bed sheets which were a complete mess by now.


"Faster! Do it faster!" said Rin while still bitting the pillow and moaning, making her words become nearly incomprehensible. Aqua however assumed she meant faster so she chose to go with that.

Increasing the pace, Rin's body started twitching while her eyes became unfocused. "I a-am cominggg!" said Rin, though only barely, while moaning loudly.

"Well that's not bad master." said Aqua while bringing her fingers to her own mouth and cleaning them with her tongue. "I suppose we could take things up notch then right?"

Rin, who was still lost in the pleasure didn't quite make out what Aqua said, which meant she was watched by surprise when Aqua's tongue started licking her pussy while two fingers entered her already dripping wet vagina.

A few minutes later, a nearly passed out from pleasure Rin could be seen laying down on the bed, while Aqua slowly separated her face form her master's pussy while swallowing loudly. "Well well master, this is quite unfair if you ask me." said Aqua, managing to bring a bit of Rin's attention to her, the rest still focussed on the ecstasy she just felt. "You were supposed to spoil me today, but I am the only one who has done anything thus far. You know what that means right?" asked Aqua while Rin slowly came back to her senses, just in time to answer her question.

"Ah, would you p-perhaps want your m-master to make it up to you?" asked Rin while her face grew red once again, clearly embarrassed by her words. The problem Rin was facing right now was quite serious, on one hand she had realised she liked Aqua quite a lot and was extremely glad Aqua had waited until the situation with her sister was over to actually make a move, on the other hand it was as if all her instincts were telling her to call Aqua an idiot and a pervert and slap her away. Finally, the deciding factor was her pride, which didn't allow her to do nothing after receiving such a... pleasurable treatment from Aqua, especially since she had indeed promised to spoil her today as a thanks.

Bitting through the embarrassment and thunder instincts, Rin decided to ask Aqua how she could make it up to her, much to the surprise and amusement of the later.

"Well... I suppose you would have to help me a bit, you see I have been itching quite a bit somewhere, and I believe only you can scratch it." said Aqua seductively while bringing Rin's face closer and closer to her pussy.

Rin was confuse dof r a moment, however she almost immediately realised what Aqua meant, so she got her tongue out and began to lick Aqua as best as she could while Aqua held her hair with her hand and occasionally pushed her deeper into her pussy.

After what felt like hours of pleasure, Rin began to loose consciousness while Aqua laid next to her. Before darkness overtook her, Rin took one last look at her servant and smiled. "Thank you Aqua... for everything."

Aqua looked at her now sleeping master for a moment before a smile blossomed on her own face as well. "Well how can I not help you when you make a face like that." said Aqua, referring to the smile on Rin's face that made her look absolutely adorable. As Aqua went to cuddle with her master, she two fell asleep.




Author note:

Damn I felt this chapter was quite long. Anyway the next chapter will be basically about Artoria's pov regarding Rin's mental state throughout the story as well as the relationship between Rin and Aqua.