
"I don't enjoy doing this." complained Aqua as she rubbed Rin's shoulders.

"Too bad." muttered Rin with a pleased expression. "This is your punishment."

Artoria and Medusa stared at the two awkwardly from the side of the room. Medusa was still in the maid outfit while Artoria was wearing the school uniform, both had a slight blush as they stared at Aqua, who was wearing extremely thin clothes, slowly moving her hands across Rin's body, who was only wearing a towel to cover her butt and nothing above, not that it could be seen since she was laying on the bed with her stomach down.

Rin, after screaming at Aqua for a while, managed to convince the goddess to give her a massage as punishment. This however meant that neither Artoria nor Medusa would have anything to do in the meantime, so Aqua took advantage of their lack of activities and convinced them to stay in the room while she did the massage to 'keep them company'.

Aqua momentarily moved her eyes in Artoria's and Medusa's direction and smiled once she noticed that both servants were undoubtedly curious about the spectacle in front of them.

Moving her hands lower, Aqua slowly removed the towel from Rin and began massaging her legs while simultaneously leaving her ass for the other two to see.

Rin opened her eyes and was about to complain when Aqua shushed her and continued moving her hands, making Rin relax for a moment.

Looking back at Medusa, Aqua smiled and called her over. "Hey, Medusa." she said with a sweet tone. "Since you are a maid, you need to come and properly attend your master's needs." she said, grabbing medusa by the hand and pulling her over.

Rin opened her eyes once more as soon as she felt four hands touch her body instead of two. "Aqua! What is wrong with yo-"

"Come on now, master." whispered Aqua in Rin's ear. "It is important to show your hare- I mean my fellow servants that it is you who is the master, less they get any ideas and try to annoy you." continued Aqua, nodding along and ignoring the wide-eyed stare that Rin was giving her at the sheer hypocrisy of her words."Besides, dear little Saber is clearly still getting used to all this, while Rider has taken in to her new role like a goddess to booze!"

Medusa chuckled lightly while getting closer to Rin, ignoring the fact that the master was currently equally confused and annoyed. Well, that tends to happen when a session that is supposed to be about disciplining someone ends up in that someone trying to get you new harem members right?

"Here, Rider," said Aqua while grabbing her fellow servants hands and placing them on Rin's thighs, making the mage yelp. "Now you need to move them along carefully and definitely NOT try to move them a bit upwards to feel how nice and hot my master's privates are... yeah, definitely NOT."

if the sheer sarcasm of her tone wasn't enough, the goddess felt the need to continuously wink in Medusa's direction, making her shake her head. Yeah, this was a blatant abuse of... power? No, but an abuse of something indeed, and for some reason Rider couldn't help but bring herself to smile.

Sakura was happy with that little boy she was in love with, and for the first time in a very, very long time, Medusa was happy as well, or at least at peace.


[Angra Mainyuu pov]

"What kind of devious lan do you think they are concocting?" asked Angra, his head pointed at the king of heroes.

"Well, those mongrels won't come close to me of course," said Gilgamesh in an overbearing tone before his eyes narrowed. "but God's tend to be careful plotters, so I expect they are already planning a way to get Lancer out fo our control..."

Angra Mainyuu nodded at his words. "That is exactly what I was expecting as well," he said in a calm tone. "And we need to let them."

"Huh?" asked Gilgamesh.

"In order to summon our own seven servants, we need to convince the Holy Grail that the other seven have taken the same side," he explained, having already gained a good amount of information on the protocols of the Trial he was trapped in. "Once it is done, I can activate a failsafe left in here and summon seven new heroic spirits. We will be the team of Red, and they will be Black."

It was a solid plan, and the only thing that annoyed him about it was the fact that a Ruler would appear to 'oversee' the war. Well, when that happened Gilgamesh could just kill them and be done with it. He didn't need some random annoyance parading around the city after all.

A smile grew on Angra Mainyuu's face as he considered who he would summon. Oh he had some very good ideas indeed, and the thought of having some counterparts of the opponents come along while being corrupted by his influence certainly had a devilish touch he so very much enjoyed...

"SO you want me to tell Kotomine to hand his servant over?" asked Gilgamesh, clearly not amused by being told to do something.

"Whichever option you believe is best, king of heroes," replied Angra Mainyuu. "If you think that simply killing Kotomine and letting the Hound escape and defect to the other side is a better choice, then so be it. It might be best however to simply bring Kotomine here and convince him to become a battery of energy for the summoning of the servants."

"Hmph, I'll do what I want indeed," said Gilgamesh, leaving the room they were in.

Meanwhile, Angra Mainyuu had mostly finished going over who he was going to summon. Yeah, some counterparts... some family reunions... some unexpected meetings... hahahahaha, it was going to be fun indeed!




Author Note:

So, you know how I said I would die before dropping this? Well I did! But don't worry, throughout my travels across hell (because apparently pre-marital sex is indeed as bad as the bible said it was, and no there is no isekai for us) I came yup with frankly too many ideas for new stories.

Okay in all seriousness, this past six months were a mess and between having to present exams, having to change my major, having to take a job, and family situations which I'd rather not talk about, writing simply lost it's flare.

I won't be updating everyday because I am working and studying which barely leaves me any time to write, but I will try to at least post a couple of chapters a week.

Anyway, here are some of the stories which I began writing, though I won't be publishing them particularly soon because I have only between 10-30 chapters on them.


A Song of Blood and Fire (This one has 30 chapters so I might begin posting soon)

MC is reincarnated as Viserys Targaryen in his third life, his second life he was reborn as Azula. Basically GoT but taking a lot more from the books and the mc is a firebender. Kind of evil mc, but it is GoT so everyone is evil there.


DC: In God we Trust... Not

I can't say much about this one without spoilers, but it does involve some heavy scenes and has a female evil mc with powers similar to Poison Ivy in DC. She will be related to Poison Ivy, probably not in the way you expect. Really broken mc, like mind-broken, not extremely op.


Marvel: Memoir of a Broken Genius

MCU. Evil mc. Son of the vulture. Slight AU since Spiderman has a lot more things from the comics, like there being an actual Gwen and MJ Watson and all that. Also, Peter Parker is older than in the MCU. The mc is the same age as Peter and all that. Mc has a 'Blessing of Hepheastus' which helps him build stuff. Kinda goes the Wanda route if you know what I mean.

Incest, like a lot of incest.


Start as Hinata in Kumogakure

Again evil mc (yeah, I love evil mcs, sue me). Basically the attempt to kidnap Hinata is successful and the mc has to deal with being the byakugan princess in a village that really, really hates hyugas.


JoJo: Guns&Roses

Female Mc. Not evil mc for once. Kind of AU since here Lisa Lisa is a JoJo instead of her husband (yeah, that dude was a failure of a JoJo so fuck him). Daughter of Lisa Lisa and the same age as Jotaro (part 3). Gets adopted by Joseph so expect a lot of him.


DC: Embracing Evil

Okay this one is actually one of the ones that has me the most excited. It isn't a SI nor an OC. I'll leave you the synopsis below.

It is said that within the Dark Multiverse, everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Unfortunately, Damian Wayne learned that lesson the hard way, and now, as he stared at the broken and bloodied bat symbol on his father's chest, he decided not to make the same mistakes. He was birthed to be the perfect weapon, and that's what the world needs right now. The time for heroes is over, it ended with he death of the Justice League, and a new era has arrived, an era of war, of revenge, of death. Let the traitors know the fury of the few that survived.


Chainsaw Man: A Heartfelt Obsession

Kind of multiverse fanfic. Mc makes a deal with a devil and gets reborn into the world of Chainsaw Man. Involves quite a bit (a lot actually) of Yandere action.


X-Men: Escaping a Dead World

Can't say much without spoiling, but mc is the child between Emma Frost and Cyclops who was incubated in a facility run by none other than William Striker, along with a lot of other kids who are in the same situation as him. Well, that's what happens when the bad guys win, right?


Overlord: Assassin's Path

Mc has a system with the powers of Assassin's from the Nasuverse.


Dimensional Chat Group: Red-Headed Gathering

Mc got reborn as Rias and eventually gets a chat group with a bunch of red-headed people from different worlds. Guy Crimson, Antares, Kurama, Poison Ivy, Jean Grey and Erza Scarlet.


DxD: Sinner System

Evil Female Mc. Get's stronger by commenting sins, wether being lazy or lustful or any of the other five.


One Piece: Golden Chaos

Doflamingo's sister with the Gold Gold devil fruit. Obviously evil mc.