Chapter 6: A New Home?

While worrying for Uzumaki Mito, Shiki's situation was in fact very simple.

He simply lost track of time.

In the depths of his consciousness, knowing that such an opportunity could not be wasted and not knowing an interested outside party was watching, Shiki made no move to attempt to exit his state at that moment.

After all, there would be no one looking for him in quite a while and even if the people at the orphanage became worried about him showing up on time, Shiki thought it was not such a big deal.

'Let them worry a bit if need be. This is more important now, I can just apologize later and be around a little more for the next few days until everyone forgets about it and leaves me to my devices once again.' That was the extent of his considerations.

How could Shiki have imagined he had drawn the attention of such an illustrious personage as Uzumaki Mito herself?

It was completely beneficial to himself, so his higher awareness gave no warnings and his spirit, though powerful, was still too underdeveloped in regards to chakra if Shiki wanted to catch an experienced sensor like Mito in her peeping.

So while the situation in the physical world proceeded in a way he never even conceived, Shiki was having a great time refining the theory behind his first self created jutsu.

'I had envisioned the Three Bodies Breathing Method as a breathing technique that would enhance the physical body, the spirit body and, going from there, try and touch the mysteries of the True Body but beyond the first, I had no idea how to proceed but . . .'

He was currently in a deeply spiritual state and had a tenuous but active connection to his True Body so Shiki was confident he could make great strides.

'Maybe, if rather than just looking at it in a similar way to the Breathing Styles of Demon Slayer, I approach it from the full body breathing process that is mentioned in cultivation novels . . .'

Shiki made theories and mentally simulated how they might work.

'No . . . To that I would have to deal with Nature Energy and that is too dangerous at the moment with my pitiful chakra reserves.' He quickly concluded.

'Getting the oxygen pumping also would increase focus, both in intensity and duration so maybe if I follow that line of thought and try to affect the spirit through the physical since they are deeply connected . . .'

Feeling that path was much more viable at the moment even if it would not be as potentially powerful, Shiki began making mental modification to his breathing technique, making a few possible variations that he intuited might give him the results he seeked.

'Alright, I have a possible solution to the 2nd of 3 parts of my breathing technique but right now, trying for the 3rd part with as little knowledge as I have seems like a waste of time.'

Coming to this conclusion, Shiki decisively moved on to his self-genjutsu. Not only was this far more within the realm of possibility, it provided direct benefits and might even help him recreate the intense focus necessary to reapproach his current state.

'The theory behind it is simple. Just an advanced form of self-hypnosis making use of chakra.' He thought on the premise and saw no issues.

'As for the actual process . . .'

'The key is to eliminate my reflexive resistance to the self-genjutsu and instead make my spiritual strength work in favor of it instead.' Shiki concluded.

In other words, he needed to make sure the self-genjutsu took root deep in his mind and rewired his natural responses to spiritual stimulation, directing them in a more efficient and beneficial way.

'There are ways to put genjutsu seals, blocks and protections deep into someone's mind so this is definitely possible but I don't know how to do any of that.' Shiki identified his problem.

He had a lot of superficial knowledge from watching and reading the Naruto Series but the in-depth knowledge that came with reading the actual jutsu scrolls and such was completely missing which made developing jutsu that much harder.

Simply put, Shiki lacked the all important foundational knowledge on the function of specific elements of ninjutsu and genjutsu.

Taijutsu was much simpler, it was jutsu building up chakra, focusing it on certain parts of the body and violently expelling it at key moments.

Hard to actually apply proficiently, requiring a lot of practice to get right and a lot of training in order to get a suitable physique but the theory behind it was exceedingly simple, even basic use was very intuitive, making even the dumbest of idiots be able to use basic taijutsu.

Ninjutsu and genjutsu especially, however, required a lot more of a theoretical basis that Shiki simply had no way to access for now.

It was a frustrating thing to be sure.

'If I just had some info on the basics of genjutsu, I am sure this would be very much doable.' Shiki considered moving on but perhaps thanks to his wondrous state, an epiphany struck him.

'Am I not in the ideal situation right now?' He questioned himself.

'Rather than try and create a genjutsu to give me the focus necessary to attain this state again, I can instead recreate this state, even if in a much shallower way, as that genjutsu.' Shiki thought.

'If I analyze my current spiritual fluctuations and then attempt to replicate them . . .'

He let his supernatural intuition guide him in devising a jutsu based on these new parameters, filled with an unexplainable confidence he would gain, at the very least, a measure of success.

Only after reawakening in the real world would he be able to confirm this.

Still, his two main objectives were accomplished in such a way so there was only one thing left to do from his list.

Using his enlightenment to sort some of his ideas for the future and catalogue them based on potential and feasibility in the future, once he was far more informed in the matters of jutsu and chakra.

Based on his knowledge on the series, Shiki had made what he named the Yin-Yang Theory, a pet project he made as a fan in his previous life.

He was extremely curious if he was right and the possibilities that would be opened up to him in such an event. It would require a lot of theoretical knowledge to even begin the proving process however so he pushed it further into the future.

There was also a theory he had on elemental chakra natures and their effects on one's physical body which was much more pursuable.

In such a way, Shiki continued to organize every single one of his ideas, no matter of stupid or out there they were, merely assigning them a priority level and moving on.

It was during this process that his plans for the future were greatly disturbed for the first time.

Out of nowhere, at least for him, a certain red haired, seemingly middle aged, beauty with just a few of the minor marrings of age, popped up in the depths of his mind, leaving him in a shocked state.

Shiki immediately realized who the intruder was but before he could even process it, his natural instincts kicked in.

Mito had proceeded through his mind unbothered because Shiki's focus was completely turned inwards but now that he acknowledged there was a foreign presence in his mind, as a reflex, his increased spiritual might crashed into Mito's mental body.

The end result was the Uzumaki matriarch being violently ejected from his mind and Shiki instantly, involuntarily falling out of his state of higher consciousness.

It was a very confusing experience for both and neither of them knew what to make of the situation when Shiki suddenly sat up in Mito's room with the redhead looking straight at him.

Hower, much later, both would look back at this day, glad it went exactly how it went.


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Just a reminder that you can read up to a FULL MONTH ahead of this site on pa-treon.

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