"Brian, you wake up now! Fajr prayer first! Mommy has been calling you all the time!" Angga's shrill voice rang in Brian's ears and made it even more like being sung when Brian's eyes were still sticky, wanting to close.

The shock on Brian's back made him nervous. He knew it was a foot carelessly pushing his ass.

"Hmm... soon, Bro. You're noisy. It's still early in the morning... hmm..." Brian said lazily. He was lazy to open his eyes and get out of bed.

"Early morning? You really, huh? Get up, hurry! I'll flush you too, okay!" Angga again scolded his youngest brother, but yes, Brian's body was too sticky and stuck to his favorite mattress and bolster.

Brian began to strain his ears when his brother's voice stopped. Instantly Abhimanyu opened his eyes when Angga's voice began to count.


In the first count, Brian's eyes began to open even though he blinked. The danger omen had already been detected by him.


'That's too bad! This morning, I've been hearing the math! I have to wake up now!' Brian muttered in his heart and his body prepared to wake up.

Brian immediately got up without looking anywhere. His only goal was to go to the bathroom, which Brian knew very well even though his eyes were not fully opened.

From inside the bathroom, Abhimanyu faintly heard his brother grumbling until Brian laughed.

"It's a good thing you woke up, otherwise I'd be the one to take care of your wet mattress!" Angga grumbled that was heard by Brian.

"Hahaha, getaway already! I'm already awake! You'll be late for the hospital, you know!" Brian said in response to his brother's scolding.

Brian is very familiar with Angga's threats when he starts counting. Moreover, if Angga has reached the count of three, surely Angga will immediately pour the water he brought without further ado.

But that is not a problem for Brian. He knew that his brother loved and cared about his little brother. It's just that the jokes between the two of them are sometimes outrageous and troublesome.

Once one morning Brian's mattress was wet because he did not wake up even though Angga had woken him up and the count could be heard. Like it or not, Brian had to dry his mattress. But it happened too often until the mother was angry and gave sanctions.

Brian had to wake up without his wet mattress. And Angga had to wake his little brother as much as possible without water. And if that happened, then both of them had to dry Brian's mattress.

What kind of era are they living in? Hahaha!

Brian cleans his body. Wash your face and mouth and don't forget to perform ablution for the late morning prayer. Yes, that's a habit that Brian often does.

After performing his morning worship, Brian went to get a tote bag that had not been tidied up. Brian put the prayer rug and sarong that he had used for prayer and folded it neatly so that he could fit a lot of things into his bag again. Don't forget the cellphone charger, headset, power bank.

"Still missing something, huh? Let me look in the drawer first!" muttered Brian at that time. And in the drawer, he found a note on the address of the building where the room would be rented out later. Even though Brian had recorded the address of the building in his cell phone note, Brian was just afraid that when the phone battery ran out, he might get lost in another place.

Yes, today Brian plans to leave for Bandung. He wants to start changing the spoiled habit of never being far from home.

Brian is often made fun of by his two older brothers as a spoiled child, which means a child who cannot be far from his mother's armpits. Ah, not actual armpits. It's just a parable which means that Brian never disappears from his mother's supervision. But as the youngest of three siblings, he felt it was natural.

Finished all. Brian put his carry-on bag together with the backpack he usually carried on camping trips to the mountains. In total three bags will be brought later.

A large backpack filled with clothes. A tote bag contains items that can be used at any time if pressed, such as a headset or charger, and small items that are often needed without having to disassemble a larger bag.

And a small bag that is very lazy to carry. Like the equipment carried by a teenage girl, the bag contained medical equipment, such as wind oil, patches, achy creams, plasters, paracetamol, diarrhea medicine, and others that seemed to make Brian feel uncomfortable.

If it was like that, it must have been an order from the mother because Brian is a child whose mother is a doctor. So, it is very natural that anywhere first aid equipment must be available. At least that's the little mother's way of taking care of her child when she's no longer around.

"I'm handsome, I am? Raffi Ahmed has lost far!" Brian muttered narcissistically in front of the mirror while looking at his appearance.

Brian came out of the room and down the stairs to the large dining room. There, Brian saw his family as if they had just started breakfast.

"Morning, Mom, Dad!" Brian greeted his two parents while giving him a loving kiss in the morning, and indeed Brian and his two older brothers have been doing this since childhood. A kiss that morning shows affection in the morning from child to parent which is a very positive little thing to start the day.

Without missing a beat, Brian moved his face near Angga and Dennis, his eldest brother.

"You want me to kiss you too, huh?" said Brian from behind his two brothers.

"Oh, that's too bad!" Angga showed an expression of disgust at Brian and made him laugh.

"Don't kiss me! I'm already very tidy, I'll be leaving with Daddy soon. Too lazy to wash my face-"


One naughty kiss Brian gave to Dennis who had not finished grumbling. And one more kiss on Angga's face followed by laughter echoing the youngest son in the house.

"You don't have to pretend to refuse, okay! Then you will miss me, you know! We will rarely see each other, you know!" said Brian, laughing amused.

"You're so confident! I'm not going to miss you!" Angga replied with a grunt while taking the fried rice to his plate.

"Shhh, stop the noise, huh! It's still very early for you guys to have a mouthful fight!" scolded the mother to her three sons.

"Just let it be, Mom. Tomorrow morning I'm not at home, right? Surely our morning atmosphere will not be like this," said the father, looking at Brian.

"Brian, you are in good health there! Don't eat carelessly, don't make bad associations, huh! I believe you can achieve what you want!" continued the father who made the noisy atmosphere quiet.

"Mom, how many kilos of onions have you put in our food?" Dannis broke the silence.

"Yes, Mom. I also feel the smell of onions everywhere!" continued Angga with his dry joke.

The mother hasn't answered yet, maybe she's still feeling sad because Brian, her youngest son, is about to leave the house.

"Come on! You guys joke around like this and it makes me sad! You can cancel my trip now!" Brian protested the jokes of the two brothers that managed to make his eyes red and wanted to cry. But the crying was impossible because Brian quickly changed the subject.

"O my brothers who are handsome, pious, smart, but also diligent in saving sins! Please, listen to the orders of the prince of this house, hahaha!" Brian enters his prankster role.

"One for you. I'm still peeking!" Dannis interrupted without looking at his little brother.

"Twice, Brian. I'm still watching!" It was Angga's turn to continue his older brother's count.

"You don't have to count my sins anymore, okay! I'm leaving this afternoon, so let me finish teasing you guys today, huh?" Brian's laughter broke the silence. The three brothers were joking around at the dining table and became a happy spectacle of their sad parents.

"I'm serious, Bro Dannis. If I go later, please take care of Mommy and help Daddy. Poor Mom and Dad because they don't have anyone who cares for them because I'm not at home. I'll take Mama Papa with you guys! And get married so that this house is more crowded. Let there be many children in the house!" continued Brian seriously.

"You talk like that, it sounds like you're only Mama Papa's child! You didn't say like that, we were the ones who always took care of Mama and Papa, right? This house will be very comfortable because I don't need to do nagging every morning to wake up a sleeping buffalo like you!" Angga doesn't want to lose.