Instead of responding well, Brian laughed out loud when he heard the story that Sandy had told him.

"I rarely see her. Only occasionally when Amelia comes to Jakarta. Maybe because her cousin is a man, my cousin is like us. She's a tomboy, hahaha!" Brian laughed out loud about his cousin's nosy attitude that Sandy had just complained about.

"Auntie also often complains to me to advise Amellia to be more graceful. Because our ages are not too far apart, Amelia is closer to me than Bro Dannis and Bro Angga. It's also because I'm still unemployed," he continued.

"But it's that kind of cheerful Amelia that I like. Her tomboyish nature made me fall in love with her even more," Sandy unconsciously complimented his fiancé on Brian. Sandy was seen smiling his happy smile while still watching the speed of his car.

"Oh my… Aren't you ashamed for complaining and praising your fiancé to me, huh? Your fiancé is my cousin, you know!" Brian protested and then laughed along with Sandy.

Along the way Brian and Sandy discussed Amellia. Sandy also did not forget to tell about the first time he and Amellia met until now.

Brian was happy to know that his younger cousin had found a good and hardworking man like Sandy. In his heart, Brian said a prayer that Sandy and Amelia would always be in harmony and happiness.

Sandy's car arrived at Brian's apartment area.

"Okay, tomorrow morning I will come to my uncle's house and take Amellia's motorbike to work. After all, how could I make a man in love like you keep worrying about my sister, right?" Brian said with a laugh, "Thanks for the ride, see you tomorrow, Boss!" continued Brian.

Sandy immediately left without stopping at Brian's apartment because he had an appointment with Amelia.


"Finally I got home. I'm tired, I want to go to sleep. My eyes are also sore from all day reading piles of files and computer screens. I'm sleepy, I want to lie down but how could the beautiful and chatty Sabina be silent? How could he be silent seeing my reckless behavior?" Brian mumbled as he walked towards his room.

But… a nosy idea came to him, "I want to try to make me fun. I want to see Sabina's expression when she's upset, hihi!" Brian muttered again with a sly smile.

Brian greeted when he opened the door to his apartment. Brian smiled when his greeting was immediately answered by Sabina while turning to him.

Sabina is seen sitting in front of the television, holding the remote in her hand.

'No wonder people are scared in this room. How can other people not be afraid when they see a tv remote floating on its own? That's all!' Brian mumbled to himself and his smile rose at the sight of Sabina.

"You're home? Why did you just get home late at night? Do you have a lot of work?" Sabina asked. It was obvious she wanted to know what Brian had been up to all day.

"Yes, I have a lot of work to do," Brian replied casually as he passed Sabina, "My eyes and body are very tired. I want to sleep," Brian continued as he put his briefcase on the floor and immediately lay down on the bed.

"Ahhh… it feels so comfortable lying down like this. I'll just sleep, I'm tired!" Brian said, squirming on the tidy bed.

Neat bed???

'Wasn't this bed still full of the clothes I took out of the closet this morning? Why is it now neat and clean-'


Brian's muttering in his heart stopped when his stomach hurt from being hit by a hard heavy object. And when Brian looked, it was his briefcase.

'I was thrown in my briefcase? She's pissed off!' Brian continued commenting in his heart.

"Please get into the habit of being disciplined and tidy when you are in this house. If you just got home from work, take a shower and clean yourself first, then you can sleep after that," Sabina started giving directions to Brian.

"Don't put your briefcase in any place! Place it under the table under the tv. Can't you see there's a drawer in there? Keep your briefcase there!" she continued.

With a chuckle Brian looked at Sabina who was nagging at him. With such a beautiful face, how could Brian turn around nagging Sabina?

'She takes care of the tidiness and comfort of this house. He got annoyed like that, but it's also my fault that I intentionally made her angry, hihi!' Brian laughed inwardly.

"Okay, honey… I'm sorry!" Brian said as he walked the bag to the cupboard under the tv. Brian smiled teasingly, while Sabina just shook her head at Brian's behavior. Sabina knew Brian was only joking.

"Get used to living neatly, Brian. If that's the case we'll be comfortable staying here," Sabina was still nagging, "I'm sorry for being rude to you just now. I just don't like seeing people who don't maintain cleanliness," continued Sabina, who realized that her attitude was wrong to Brian.

"That's not a problem. I purposely annoyed you because I saw that you were so engrossed in watching TV shows!" Brian answered with a grin.

Sabina seemed to think, maybe she would be angry with Brian because Brian had annoyed her. But it's not. Sabina even asked about Brian's news today.

"How was your first day of work?" asked Sabina with a curious face.

Brian answered his question casually, recounting the exhausting time he had forgotten to eat lunch.

Hearing Brian's story, Sabina's facial expression changed.

"So you haven't eaten until now?" asked Sabina in surprise and Brian nodded, "Oh my gosh, how can you be like that? What you lose is yourself. What do you want to eat now? Let me make something for you," said Sabina who looked worried.

'She's worried about me. She's so sweet. The world is so beautiful, isn't it? When I'm tired like this, beautiful women who worry about me and ask what I want to eat? Isn't this wonderful, God?' Brian said happily in his heart.

"Whatever you make for me, I'll eat it," Brian replied softly with a smile.

"Go to the bathroom and freshen up first. You'll see the food on the table when you get out of there!" replied Sabina and looked towards the kitchen.

While Sabina was busy in the kitchen, Brian followed Sabina's words to take a shower.

Sabina was right when she told Brian that food would be on the table when Brian finished from the bathroom.

Brian clutched his stomach which was growling with hunger when he saw a serving of fried rice with an egg on top of it. It looks simple but Brian is sure, the fried rice must be very good.

Can't wait to eat, Brian is nonchalant as he takes off his towel to put on his underwear. And at that time, Sabina happened to cross the area of Brian's bed without a room divider.

Sabina yelped in surprise as her eyes opened wide then she quickly closed them.

"Brian, don't be carelessly naked like that in this house! That's rude, you know?!" said Sabina who was still covering her eyes.

Brian even chuckled at Sabina's expression.

"Have you never seen a naked man's body before? You are so cute, Sabina!" Brian answered while laughing at Sabina's strange attitude, "I'm not naked anywhere else anyway, I'm still in my private area, right?" continued Brian.

"But I'm in this house. You're not alone to keep doing your bad habits like that, Brian!" Sabina protested.

"Alright, I didn't mean to get carried away. I am very hungry and want to eat quickly. And the circumstances here made me so comfortable that I felt I was in my room, like my parents' house. I forgot about you a bit, hehehe!" Brian answered with his cute silly smile.

"Well, eat it while it's warm!" Sabina answered before leaving in front of Brian and waiting for Brian at the dining table.

"Wow… This is great! I didn't expect to get such good conditions from someone when I decided to live independently. You are the best, Sabina. Thank You!" Brian complimented Sabina and started eating.

"Is it like having a wife like this? If it's true, then I'm very happy and have to start thinking about the future," Brian continued to speak happily.

"Yes, you're right. You've got to think about finding a partner. But my advice, later after your life and work are settled and when you are sure you can make the daughter of a family happy!" Sabina suggested with a smile.

'You smile, Sabina. And that smile is visible in my eyes even though your body is transparent like this. It turns out that you are very beautiful, Sabina,' Brian again said to himself while praising Sabina's beauty for the pleasure he received from Sabina.

'What was your life like before you were like this? And what exactly are you?' he continued, glancing at Sabina's face who was still watching him eat.
