"I'm fine even though my head is a little dizzy. But all that means nothing when I see you nagging me like this," Brian replied with a smile, "Where have you been? Why is it only showing up now?" he continued asking.

"I'm not going anywhere. And I know when you shout calling me. It's just, I need some time to think about how I feel. That's why I avoided you," said Sabina glumly.

"Sabina, I'm sorry..."

Brian's words made Sabina look at him.

"Don't apologize, you don't have anything wrong with me. Forget it, Brian," Sabina replied with a sad smile.

"But I do want to apologize because knowing it or not, what I thought and did hurt you by awakening your old memories. So please accept my apologies," Brian said seriously, and after that, Brian moved to get up and sat on the edge of his bed to face Sabina.

"I've also sparked the same idea of mine as you to the people at the company. So, even though our ideas are indeed the same, I can no longer take those ideas from the eyes and ears of others after the meeting. That's why I want to apologize," he continued to speak honestly.

"That idea is indeed like mine, but it just so happens that you are currently thinking the same thing, so what's wrong with that? The idea is yours and you have the right to do anything with it. You don't have to feel sorry for me, Brian. Be passionate about pursuing your dreams with your ideas and hard work!" Sabina answered without forgetting to encourage Brian.

"But you're sad about it and it makes my heart heavy," Brian still wasn't satisfied with the guilt.

"If you keep feeling guilty like this, I will go and not talk to you for days!" Sabina threatened, "Forget it and tell me why are you sleeping on the bathroom floor?" continued Sabina who quickly changed the subject.

'You are so sweet, Sabina. You are also kind and forgiving,' Brian smiled as he praised Sabina in his heart. But after that Brian's face started to look confused when he started to think about the reason he fell in the bathroom.

"I think I saw something in the toilet hole," said Brian with a confused face.

"What do you see?"

Instead of answering Sabina's question, Brian asked something else.

"Sabina, is that woman here?" Brian asked, "I think I saw it earlier. That w-woman-, that woman's head popped out of the toilet hole,"

After speaking with goosebumps, Brian rubbed his face repeatedly.

But Sabina almost let out a laugh. And when Brian looked at her, Sabina immediately calmed down as if she hadn't laughed before.

"Hmm, yes. She was right here. Just before I heard your greeting when you came home from work," Sabina answered honestly, "Brian, I'm sorry. Because of Miss K's actions, you fainted and you hit your head until it bled. If I had known she was going to bother you when we heard you say hello, I would have told her not to go. I thought she was going somewhere else, but instead, she went to bother you."

Sabina felt guilty for a moment.

"And the more time here, the more I realize, that so-called ghosts or demons are indeed in charge of tempting humans. Miss K is also no exception. No matter how angry or scolded no matter how hard, I will only listen to her carefree laugh. A ghost-like her doesn't care about life's problems," Sabina said sadly.

"It's okay, I'm fine. Thank you for helping me. Please, for the woman ghost's annoyance to me, don't make it a burden and a mind. It's not the first time I've been surprised by a ghost," Brian encouraged Sabina from guilt.

"But still you are the one who is harmed in this case," said Sabina.

"Yes, it's a loss. But do you know? Today seems to be my unlucky day," said Brian, who began to lay down again while laughing sadly, "My cell phone was destroyed, I came home wet from a drizzle, and what happened here, I fainted because of a ghost. Isn't that complete misfortune?" he continued laughing sadly.

"Why did your cell phone get destroyed? It's fell?" Sabina asked and Brian nodded as he moved to sit down again.

"When I was going back to the office after lunch with my dad's old best friend, I accidentally bumped into a couple who were walking very affectionately,"

"The cell phone I was using while talking to my uncle fell to the floor and shattered into pieces. But what do I get, Sabina? Do you want to know?"

Brian spoke while looking at Sabina's face seriously as if he was looking for reassurance.

"Say, I want to know too," Sabina gave a serious response because she was also curious.

"I was yelled at by a woman whose boyfriend bumped into me. She seems like a rich woman because while yelling at me she threw a bunch of money to replace my broken cell phone. And after that, the woman whines at her boyfriend to ignore me and they finally leave. Even I-"

"And you just kept quiet? Don't you chase and throw the money back in their faces?! How rich and powerful can they be to do such bad things to other people?! Didn't you tell them that you weren't any less rich?! Don't you tell them that you're the heir to the Cakradara Group that produces such high-end phones, and say that you can easily return that amount of money to them?! Ahh, infuriating!"

Brian hadn't finished telling the story but Sabina had cut the story and was furious.

Brian closed his eyes as he recalled the words and expressions of the woman who looked like Sabina earlier.

'Even though he knows me, I don't know him. So let's go and just ignore that stupid guy. Come on, honey… I miss you!'

'What's your business? I don't know you, you know?!'

'Take this! It's to replace your broken phone! Don't waste my time and get out of our sight now!'

Brian smiled sadly before opening his eyes and looking at Sabina's face in front of him.

'Not. That woman is not Sabina,' Brian assured himself of the difference between her and Sabina.

"Brian?!" Sabina's call made Brian wake up from his daydream.

"I asked you but you closed your eyes and smiled! What are you thinking, huh? You went a little crazy after you hit your head, didn't you?" Sabina asked in surprise.

"Not like that. I told you my head was fine. I closed my eyes only because I wanted to remember the face and expression of the woman who spoke harshly to me earlier. And I'm sure she's very different from you. You are not the same person, Sabina," Brian answered and his words made Sabina confused.

"I don't understand what you're saying, Brian," Sabina said confusedly.

"If you don't understand then what about me? I also don't understand why today I have an incident that makes me confused. And it might have something to do with you, Sabina."

"Tell me what was your response when I said that the woman who spoke rudely to me after bumping into me just now looked a lot like you?"

"And now that I think back, it seems that I've also experienced something similar earlier when I was run over by a woman when I was just about to go to this city. And strangely enough, the woman who bumped into me also looks like you."

"I believe that you two are the same person because your face and voice are the same. You are just different with one thing I can assure you, your behavior and nature is different."

Sabina widened her eyes after hearing the story Brian told her. She couldn't believe that what Brian had said might have anything to do with her.

"Sorry, Sabina. Looks like I'll make you uncomfortable with my questions and remarks. But I really can't wait any longer to find out more about you," Brian said seriously again.

"Could you please tell me who you are? You've told me about Tata and your life as the owner of this apartment room. You've already told me that you're not a ghost. So who exactly are you, Sabina?"

"Please don't be angry and offended by my insistence but I really can't stand all the weirdness I've seen since I met you!"

Brian stopped talking after revealing what he wanted from Sabina.

Sabina was still silent. And Brian looks patiently waiting. A few moments later Sabina looked at Brian with a calm facial expression.

"It seems that I can't stay silent and keep the problems of my life from you. For some reason, you're the one who's directly involved in my life, Brian. But unfortunately, I'm confused about which part to tell everything from, "

Sabina's confession sounded sad when she saw Brian's face. Brian is also confused about what to do for Sabina at this time but what can he do? Brian was very curious about the reality that was facing him.

"I don't know if this is related or not, but can you tell me the part where you can have a form like this first?" Brian decided to direct the beginning of the story that Sabina was about to reveal.