Brian approached Sabina's body. He caressed Sabina's face, the face he always wanted to touch, the one he always wanted to reach when Brian wanted to share his feelings with his lover.

"It's okay if this is the last time I'm with you. I believe we will be reunited under better circumstances. I'll be patiently waiting for you to call me again, Sabina," Brian said softly and sobbed a little.

Brian carried Sabina's body with legs that felt unbearably weak. The step was heavy, as heavy as his mind afraid that Sabina wouldn't remember it anymore.

'If you look at me now, Sabina. Maybe you'll laugh at me and immediately say that I'm overdramatizing our situation while wide your smile,'

'If that was the case now, I'd like you to laugh at my stupidity. If it's all my life, I'll spend hearing your laughter and seeing your mocking smile, it doesn't matter, because it's all just for me,'