"Mama, where did you keep the stairs yesterday, huh? Do you think there are items for the roof in the warehouse, don't you, Ma? I want to patch the roof of the room that is leaking," Indra asked the mother and then after searching the place indicated by the mother, he found the stairs and took him to the room.

Indra climbed the stairs and checked the source of the leak that occurred in his room last night, while still holding the phone to his ear and chatting with his mother.

As Indra was about to step up to the top of the stairs, his feet caught in his shorts and caused his body to sway and lose its balance.

BRUGH! Indra fell down the stairs and immediately fainted.

"Indra? Hello, Indra, how are you doing, son?" Mama Sabina's voice sounded small to Indra's ears. He was unconscious even to just pick up his cellphone which was lying not far from him.