"Nissa, wake up, honey! Nissa, don't sleep anymore. Open your eyes and look at me!" Indra snapped at Nissa who was having trouble breathing with her eyes waving to close.

"Indra, I can't take it anymore," Nissa said in a disjointed tone. Indra howled even more in his sorrow.

"Nissa, please don't be like this! I want us to be together like we used to be! Come on, Nissa, don't sleep! Don't close your eyes and wake up!" Indra continued to shake Nissa's weak body.

"Indra, don't be rude! Calm yourself, Indra!" Papa Brian came from behind and immediately restrained Indra's panicked actions.

"Indra, thank you for still loving me. Thank you for your forgiveness. I can go in peace," Nissa's interrupted sentence sounded again.

"Nissa, don't be like this! Don't go again, Nissa! I ask you! Papa, please Nissa, Papa! Help her, Papa!" Indra cries and roars asking Nissa to stay awake.