"I'm Sabina and this is my husband, Brian. We are Indra's parents, and our child, who was helped by Malika about a week ago," Mama Sabina said again.

"Oh, yes! Indeed, a week ago Malika's brother told me that Malika would be coming home late from the hospital. My son said that Malika helped people who fell in the lake! So, it turns out that Mr. and Mrs's child fell at that time? So how is he now?" Malika's mother answered by matching the news that her eldest son had said.

The conversation continued between Malika's mother and Indra's parents. The conversation was interrupted when a male voice that was familiar to Indra's mother and father came from inside the house.

"Mama, I have prepared milk for Abrisam. Where is he, let me drink the milk to him!" it turned out that the one who spoke was Raphael who came from the direction of another room that seemed to be the kitchen of the house. Raphael was seen looking at the bottle of milk he was holding.