From day to day Indra trains his legs with rapid progress. By holding on to faith and hope, he was able to meet Malika and his child in better circumstances. Now he feels that his feelings of love and affection for Malika continue to grow, in fact, he often dreams of meeting and gathering with Malika and their child.

Longing gnawed at his heart. His desire to meet Malika like that was great, but he was still able to endure the longing given his unreliable condition.

"Malika, wait for me to deserve to be beside you. Abrisam, wait papa, son. I'm trying to be a father that you can be proud of," he said softly whenever Indra started his routine walking exercises.

"Indra, maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow you can go home from the hospital. You heard what your doctor said, right?  she said Your training progress is getting better by the day!" Uncle Angga spoke. He always faithfully accompanied his nephew to do physiotherapy.